Sunday 28 April 2013

how to remove dark circles

19 ways to naturally get rid of dark circles under your eyes…

1. Use a cold tea compress

Use a cold tea compress with rosemary tea bags to increase

 circulation to your eyes. Soak the tea bags in cold water and squeeze excess water from the tea bags and then place the bags over your eyes for 10 to 15 minutes to get rid of dark circles and…

Tea bags containing tannin will help decrease the amount of swelling and discoloration from under the eye area.

2. Use Moisturizers with Vitamin C

Moisturizers with Vitamin C and Antioxidants will help support the collagen under your eyes and… Be sure you are dabbing the moisturizer on the delicate skin under your eyes instead of rubbing and…

Here's some Moisturizers with Vitamin C you can use…

Premier Dead Sea Facial Serum with Vitamin C & E
Beauty without Cruelty Renewal Moisturizer Vitamin C with coq10
3. Use a sunscreen with at least 15 SPF

Using sunscreen with at least 15 SPF (but preferably 20 SPF) everyday will prevent dark circles because the rays from the sun are extremely dangerous to your skin.

4. Use almond oil

Massage under the eyes with Almond Oil before bed for 2 weeks.

 The massaging will allow the oil to penetrate beneath your skin to assist with circulation.

5. Use Cucumbers

Slice a few fresh cucumbers and place them in the refrigerator or freezer for an hour and then place the cool cucumber slices over your closed eyelids help get rid of dark circles.

6. Use Rose Water

Dip a cotton ball in rose water and apply under your eyes for 10 minutes. The rose water will penetrate the skin to soothe your tired eyes and soak up all the toxins that caused your dark circles.

7. Use Crushed mint leaves

Crushed Mint Leaves can be applied beneath the eyes for 20 minutes. The mint from the leaves will provide a cool, tingling sensation, increase circulation, and get rid of those horrible under eye dark circles.

8. Mix pineapple juice & turmeric powder

Apply a mixture of pineapple juice and turmeric powder to your dark circles to help get rid of them naturally.

9. Vitamin K

Some cases of dark circles may be a sign of a vitamin deficiency of Vitamin K. Get a cream that contains Vitamin K and apply to the under eye area on a daily basis as it can help aid in the reduction of discoloration and swelling and…

Here's some Moisturizers with Vitamin K you can use…

Reviva - Vitamin K Cream, 1.5 oz cream
Vitamin K Crème Plus 2 oz. 3 Ounces
10. Get rid of dark circles while you sleep

There are many overnight treatments nowadays that can be used on your face while you sleep. There are masques that can actually help reduce the puffiness as well as discolored skin and to make your own masque to use before bed…

Simply get a washcloth wet with water that is cold and…
Make sure you ring the cloth out to get rid of excess water and then…
While you sleep place the washcloth on your eyes to get rid of dark circles.
11. Nostril Cleansing

Spas in India use an all-natural nasal cleaner to get rid of dark circles. Tilt your head slightly and pour water in one nostril and the water will come out of the other nostril. This remedy not only reduces your under eye dark circles but it will make your skin extremely radiant.

12. Potato Remedy

China, South America and Hong Kong use potatoes to get rid of dark circles. Potatoes contain enzymes that help to lighten the skin. These enzymes soak up the toxins that cause dark circles and leave you with clear, fresh eyes.

13. Acupressure

This is a natural Chinese remedy. Acupressure is in the forefront of anti-aging and is used to get rid of dark circles. Using your index finger, press very firmly against the bone just beneath your eyes and hold the pressure there for 3 seconds. You should repeat this process 10 times each morning to get rid of dark circles.

14. Drink More Water

Dark circles occur when you do not drink the recommended amount of water, which does not allow toxins to leave the body and those toxins can cause dark circles.

15. Get Some Sleep

Not getting enough sleep leads to stress that can make you not only have dark circles, but it can give you the appearance of a depressed, aged person and…

Not getting enough sleep causes the skin to appear paler due to a lack of circulation so make sure you get at least 6 hours of sleep each night.

16. Stop Rubbing Your Eyes

It’s important not to rub your eyes as this can irritate the eyes and the capillaries that are found under the skin can break.

17. Reduce Salt

Eating an excessive amount of salt can make your body retain water in the weirdest of places. This can lead to dark circles under the eyes. Reducing your salt can help eliminate dark circles.

18. Eliminate Allergens

Try to think of what allergens irritate you the most because they are known to be one of the most popular things that cause dark circles. If allergens are the root cause of your dark circles then simply eliminate the allergen or the thing that is irritating you the most.

19. Try to Prevent Any Nasal Congestion

When your nose in congested, the veins that drain the eyes cannot do their job so dark circles occur.

oily skin tips

f u are Really looking for an best acne treatment for oily skin, first step is to find which skin does your body contains? Whether the skin is oily or dry or it is normal, because what happens is when u don’t look at to all this, and start treating acne by consumption of medicines or applying any cream it may lead to major issue cause rather than benefiting.

Tips for treating acne naturally from oily skin

1:- Mainly the first thing to treat acne for oily skin is to change your diet stop eating junk, oily and spicy food because it contains high amount of oil in it. I know it is very tough to change the diet suddenly for anybody but u have do it.

2:- Eat Fresh green Leafy Vegetables and fruits why because it contains vital vitamins and antitoxins which prevents your skin from oil

3:- Most important is to wash your hands regularly thrice in a day because it prevents your face from getting it oily.

4:- Drink plenty of fresh and purified water at least 2 or 3 litres of water in day, Drink carrot juice as it benefits to get rid of acne and acne scars from your face.

5:- Make your mind and body stress free start doing meditation or yoga as it will make u feel more comfortable and stress free

6:- Start doing daily exercises by which we can make our body sweat which helps getting rid of acne scars

7:- Try to sleep enough in the nights by this your body gets relaxed.

8:- Most important is not to touch your pimples and do not rub your hands on it  as it may lead to acne scars

These are the basic tips which you have to follow in your day to day life, after few days you will slightly notify the changes. Don’t suddenly try to jump to take medications or any medical treatment it may lead to major cause.

Acne should be first treated naturally by following homemade remedies. If you don’t see any further changes try to take an advice from dermatologist or any skin care specialist.

how to protect face from sun

Protection from the sun is a necessity year-round. Excessive sun exposure can cause sunburn, rashes, premature wrinkling, tissue damage and skin cancer, according to the Federal Trade Commission. Although use of sunscreen is an essential part of preventing sun damage, there are other means of protecting your skin from the sun when sunscreen is not available or when you require additional protection due to prolonged exposure or other factors.
Step 1
Stay inside as much as possible between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., the time of day when the sun's rays are strongest and most damaging. This minimizes the damaging effects of the sun on your skin, according to the American Cancer Society. Try to plan outdoor activities during the morning or early evening hours.

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Step 2
Look for sun-protective clothing to wear when you intend to be outdoors for more than a couple of hours. Sun-protective clothing offers more protection than typical clothing because the fabric is designed with a tighter weave. According to the FTC, sun-protective garments include a special label that lists the item's ultraviolet protection factor. This number is similar to the sun protection factor included on sunscreen labels. The higher the number, the greater the protection against the sun's UV rays.
Step 3
Plant shade trees in your yard if you spend a lot of time outside, and look for a shady location to spend work breaks, watch your children play or participate in other outdoor activities. You can also buy a lawn umbrella at most home and garden stores and use that for portable, temporary protection from the sun.
Step 4
Wear a hat with a wide enough brim to cover your face, ears and neck. The American Cancer Society recommends a brim of at least two inches. The delicate skin on the face and neck is especially vulnerable to sunburn and skin cancer, and the scalp is also at risk, regardless of the amount of hair you have. Straw hats allow sunlight to penetrate through to the scalp, which means they provide little protection against sun damage.
How to Protect Skin in the Sun Without SunscreenStep 5
Choose clothing that covers all sun-exposed areas of your body, including your arms and legs. Lightweight, cotton fabrics can provide protection even in very hot weather, when heavier fabrics may be unbearable to wear. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends tightly woven fabrics in darker colors, and says dry clothes offer more protection than wet clothes.
Step 6
Protect your feet from the sun by wearing shoes whenever you are outside. The feet are often overlooked when it comes to sun protection, but they are just as vulnerable to burns and skin cancer as the rest of your body.
Step 7
Cover your eyes with sunglasses. Excessive exposure to the sun increases the risk of cataracts and can lead to burns and wrinkles around the eyes. Wear sunglasses--preferably those that wrap all the way around the eyes--at all times, and look for glasses that offer protection against UVA and UVB rays.

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remove black mole on face

To prevent the moles, daily use of
Vaseline intensive care is beneficial.
Grind some coriander to make a fine paste. Apply this on the moles. This will help in moles removal in a 20 days. This is very simple and effective home remedy for moles.
Take a pinch of baking soda and mix it with a some drops of castor oil. Apply this paste on moles and leave it overnight. Repeat this continuously for at least 20 days. This is one also effective home remedy for moles.
Take antivral Acyclovir cream, equal quantity glycerine mix in vitamin E lotion and apply on moles and massage, it will remove slowly.

How to Get Rid of a Headache Without Medicine

Headaches are a common problem with a multitude of causes and treatments. The pain of headaches can range from mild and annoying to severe and debilitating. Treatment depends on the specific type of headache and its cause, and medications are the first line of treatment for most headache sufferers. However, some people might be unable or unwilling to take medicine to treat their headache. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to get rid of a headache without medicine.
Step 1
Control the stress in your life and engage in a relaxing activities to ease muscle tension and get rid of a headache without medicine. Yoga, meditation, aromatherapy and tai chi are excellent methods of reducing stress levels and easing muscle tension.
Step 2
Massage your neck, shoulders and head using the tips of your fingers to relieve muscle tension and get rid of a headache. If possible, enlist a friend or partner to massage your muscles for you. For frequent headaches, you might want to visit a licensed massage therapist.
Step 3
Watch your posture. According to the Mayo Clinic, proper posture can both prevent and treat headaches by supporting your body and preventing strain on your muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints. Hold your head high and shoulders back when standing, and make certain to keep your thighs parallel to the ground when sitting. Avoid slumping and slouching.
Step 4
Apply ice to your neck, forehead or scalp to get rid of a headache without medicine. You can also try alternating hot and cold. Take a long hot shower, and then follow it with an application of cold compresses to the back of your neck.
Step 5
Avoid environmental triggers for your headaches, such as bright lights, loud sounds and hot or cold weather. These triggers can make existing headaches worse in some people and can cause new headaches to develop in others.
Step 6
Slow down and cool off. Some people develop headaches after physical activity. This is often caused by overheating, dehydration or low blood sugar. Drinking fluids, eating a snack and cooling off will generally get rid of a headache in these cases.
Step 7
Take a nap and speak with your doctor if you wake in the mornings feeling tired. Even if you are sleeping a sufficient number of hours, the quality of your sleep might be affected by sleep disorders, medications or other health conditions. Lack of sleep is one of the primary causes of headaches, and it is also one of the easiest to fix.
Step 8
Schedule an acupuncture session for relief of chronic headaches. Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles into specific points in the body. Several sessions of acupuncture might be required to completely get rid of headaches.
Step 9
Try biofeedback to get rid of headaches, control pain and relieve tension. During a biofeedback session, you are connected to devices that monitor your heart rate, blood pressure, muscle tension and breathing rate. Using this information, you can learn to control the way you react to physical and emotional stimuli, which in turn alters the levels of certain chemicals in your body that are associated with headaches.
Step 10
Visit a chiropractor for a full evaluation and spinal adjustment, if needed. Injury to your neck or back might cause muscle tension or nerve inflammation, both of which can cause headaches. Some people experience nearly instantaneous relief from a headache after a chiropractic adjustment.

How to Grow Hair Fast

Growing long, beautiful and healthy hair is not an extremely difficult process. It does not require a multitude of salon hair products, handfuls of expensive vitamins, nor any sort of sacrifice to the long hair goods. What it does take is common sense, dedication, and a lot of patience. Indeed, growing long hair is actually more a question of what you shouldn’t do rather than what you should!
Here are a few tips to help you grow hair faster:-
  • Take vitamin supplements for the hair. If your hair grows at a slow rate, take a hair supplement. These supplements strengthen hair and promote hair growth. In addition, they include vitamins and minerals to improve your overall health.
  • Give yourself regular scalp massages. A soothing scalp massage increases blood flow to the hair follicles and stimulates hair growth.
  • Avoid using any heated appliances whenever possible. No blow drying, no curling irons, no hot rollers, and especially no flat irons or crimpers.
  • Make it a priority to deep condition your hair several times a month. Use a high quality deep conditioner to keep your hair from becoming brittle.
  • A healthy, balanced diet rich in vitamin B12, iron, calcium and zinc will help your hair grow faster naturally. Include foods rich in proteins like fish, eggs, nuts, cheese and lentils to improve your overall health and encourage fast hair growth.
  • Get a trim to remove damaged and split ends every six to eight weeks to keep it healthy. Split ends can end up in hampering the growth of the hair. If you don’t have someone you trust implicitly to trim your hair for you, find a salon that caters to long hair, has a long hair specialist, or at least be sure to glare at your stylist as menacingly as you can while you clearly explain your hair-growth goals before letting her come at you with scissors.
  • Stress or rather any physical and mental turmoil is a major cause of irreversible hair loss and can also impede hair growth. You can try minimizing stress by relaxing, getting plenty of sleep, and participating in relation activities like meditation and yoga.

Sunday 3 March 2013

Sign and Symptoms of Anxity

Anxiety is a kind of mental state when you starts thinking of unpleasant, uneasiness or concern about some vague incident; an uncomfortable or difficult aspiration for something.
It is a state of restlessness and agitation, frequently go with a distressing sense of oppression or tightness in the stomach. Though it is quite normal to be tense or worried under pressure or facing a stressful situation, as anxiety is the normal response of the body for any kind of danger, it is an automatic apprehension, which turns off when we experience something strange or threatened.

Anxiety is not a bed thing always as it can help us to stay aware and focus but when anxiety is invariable or overpowering and when it interferes with your relationships and daily activities, it turns into the territory of anxiety disorders from normal anxiety.

Symptoms of Anxiety: Anxiety changes our whole life. It affects how we feel, how we behave and has very real physical symptoms. It feels a bit like fear but whereas we know what we are frightened of, we often do not know what we are anxious about.

Mild anxiety is vague and unsettling: Severe anxiety can be extremely debilitating. Here are some signs of anxity:

1. Diarrhoea
2. Backache
3. Nausea
4. Heart palpitations
5. Sweating/Flushing
6. Feelings of apprehension or dread
7. Trouble concentrating
8. Feeling tense and jumpy
9. Anticipating the worst
10. Irritability
11. Restlessness
12. Watching for signs of danger
13. Feeling like your minds gone blank
14. Pounding heart
15. Stomach upset or dizziness
16. Shortness of breath
17. Tremors and twitches
18. Muscle tension
19. Headaches
20. Fatigue
21. Insomnia

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