Saturday 17 November 2012

Natural Remedies for Dandruff

Generally there are about 100,000-125,000 hairs on the heads of adults. We normally lose about 50 to 100 hairs a day. However, there are people who suffer from rapid hair loss making hair loss a serious problem among adults. Here are several reasons behind hair loss. One of the principal reasons is dandruff.
Dandruffs are silvery and shiny particles on the hair that are disconnected from our scalp. These are the results of malnutrition, dry, and dirty skin.
When we comb, brush, or scratch our hair, the small, shiny particles fall from the scalp and settle on the hair, eyes, face, and shoulders. There is generally itching and the color of scalp becomes red.
The principal reasons of dandruff are mutilation, inactive and lethargic lifestyle, increased toxins in the body, constipation, and bad eating habit. Apart from these reasons, tension, use of unhealthy shampoos, exposure to cold etc also cause dandruffs.
Natural Remedies for Dandruff
After you wash your hair, use fresh lime juice to rinse. It’s very effective remedy to overcome dandruff problem. Apart from preventing dandruff, regular use of lime juice makes hair shining as well.
Green Gram Powder
Green gram power is very useful in eliminating dandruff. Wash your hair with the mixture of two tablespoons of green gram power and half a cup of curd twice a week and see the amazing results.
Fenugreek Seeds
For a long time people are using fenugreek seeds in order to cure dandruff. The fenugreek seeds are one of the best natural remedies to treat dandruff ailment. Soak two tablespoons of the seeds overnight in water. Next morning pound them and make a fine paste. Apply this paste on the scalp and leave for an hour. Then wash hair thoroughly with soap-nut.
Snake Gourd
Rubbing snake gourd juice over the scalp is another home remedy in prevention of dandruff. Doing it regularly is very effective in the treatment of dandruff.
Beets are also very helpful in dandruff. Boil beet tops and roots in water and massage scalp with this water every night. If you get white beet it’s even better to remove dandruff.
Other Remedies
There are several other home remedies that can be applied in dandruff elimination. Massage your hair with curd with lime juice and amla (an Indian herb) every night. This is very effective in removing dandruff permanently. Similarly, add diluted cider vinegar with equal amount of water and use it in washing your hair. Using this home remedy regularly is very useful in order to remove and prevent dandruff.
Apart from these remedies, in order to prevent dandruff from occurring, you need to follow a disciplined lifestyle coupled with balanced diet and increased physical activities.   Take a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, avoid citrus fruits, pickles & bananas, take frequent meals, drink a lot of water and liquids, avoid or minimum use of tea/coffee and soft drinks, fried food, smoking, alcohol etc. This way you can prevent dandruff and treat hair loss as well.

Sunday 21 October 2012

Eye Safety At-a-Glance

Do’s and Don’ts of Emergency Eye Care

If an eye accident occurs, see a medical doctor or eye care professional as soon as possible since an injury may
not be immediately obvious. Until a medical professional can be seen, heed the advice below

Protect the eye from further damage by

holding a folded cloth over the eye, having
it act as a shield.
u Seek eye care immediately.
u Bandage any cuts around the eye to
prevent contamination or infection.
u Flush the eye with water in the case of a
chemical burn or if there is small debris in
the eye.
u Use a cold compress to treat a blunt
trauma injury such as a black eye, but be
careful not to apply additional pressure.

Do not remove any objects that are stuck in the eye
as this could worsen the injury.
u Do not wash out the eye when dealing with cuts or
punctures to the eye.
u Do not attempt to self-medicate, apply ointments or
take any medications, including over-the-counter drugs.
u Do not rub the eye or apply pressure. Doing so may
cause more damage.

How To Reduce Tension

Progressive Muscle Relaxationis a great technique for reducing overall body tension. As you practice tensing and relaxing all the muscle groups in your body, you can move to a shortened procedurewhere you rapidly relax your whole body. As you reduce the tension you carry in your body, your whole being will feel less stress and you will enjoy increased physical and emotional health. Here’s how to get started:

Here's How:
After finding a quiet place and several free minutes to practice progressive muscle relaxation, sit or lie down and make yourself comfortable.
Begin by tensing all the muscles in your face. Make a tight grimace, close your eyes as tightly as possible, clench your teeth, even move your ears up if you can. Hold this for the count of eight as you inhale.
Now exhale and relax completely. Let your face go completely lax, as though you were sleeping. Feel the tension seep from your facial muscles, and enjoy the feeling.
Next, completely tense your neck and shoulders, again inhaling and counting to eight. Then exhale and relax.
Continue down your body, repeating the procedure with the following muscle groups:
•entire right arm
•right forearm and hand (making a fist)
•right hand
•entire left arm
•left forearm and hand (again, making a fist)
•left hand
•entire right leg
lower right leg and foot
•right foot
•entire left leg
•lower left leg and foot
•left foot

for the shortened version, which includes just four main muscle groups:


neck, shoulders and arms

abdomen and chest

buttocks, legs and feet
Quickly focusing on each group one after the other, with practice you can relax your body like ‘liquid relaxation’ poured on your head and it flowed down and completely covered you. You can use progressive muscle relaxation to quickly de-stress any time.

Saturday 20 October 2012


Do 3 sets of each of the 4 moves, performing as many reps (1 second up, 1 second down) as possible
until you feel a burning sensation in the muscles you’re working or you can no longer maintain proper
form. Rest 15 seconds between sets. You’ll likely be able to do more reps during earlier sets and exercises--
and that’s okay. After you can do 50 reps or hold a plank for 2 minutes for most sets, try the “Make it
Harder” variations, change the order of the exercises, or do the moves after another type of workout

1. Hipless Crunch
>>This variation better targets abs by preventing hips and upper body from helping you lift

Lie on back with legs lifted and bent, calves parallel to fl oor, and feet relaxed. Cross arms over chest
with hands on shoulders. Contract abdominal muscles and lift head, shoulders, and upper back about 30
degrees off fl oor. Lower without touching head to fl oor. Exhale as you lift; inhale as you lower.
*Prevention Fitness Lab testers averaged 25 reps per set.
Make It Easier: Rest calves on a chair and extend arms down at sides.
Make It Harder: Extend legs straight up.
• Don’t pull chin toward chest.
• Focus on abs doing the work; imagine sliding rib cage toward hips.
Stop When…
• You start pulling or jerking up with head, neck, or shoulders.
• You can’t keep neck or shoulders relaxed.

2. No-Hands Reverse Crunch
>>Instead of keeping arms at sides, where they can help abs, anchor them overhead to activate
more belly muscles.

Lie faceup with arms overhead and hands grasping a heavy piece of furniture or railing. Raise
feet into the air with legs bent. Contract abs, press back into fl oor, and lift hips off fl oor. Exhale
as you lift; inhale as you lower. *Prevention Fitness Lab testers averaged 21 reps per set

Make It Easier: Do the move with arms down at sides.
Make It Harder: Straighten legs.
• Feel the contraction in abs, not in back or legs.
• Tilt pelvis.
• Think of lifting up instead of pulling knees toward chest.
Stop When…
• You can’t lift hips off the fl oor without jerking.
• Neck and shoulders are tense.

3. V Crunch
>>This exercise gets your upper and lower body moving simultaneously to recruit the maximum
number of muscle fi bers in your midsection

Balance on tailbone with legs bent, feet off fl oor, and arms bent at sides. Make sure back is
straight and chest is lifted. Lean back and extend arms and legs, then pull back to start position.
*Prevention Fitness Lab testers averaged 11 reps per set.

Make It Easier: Grasp sides of thighs with hands.
Make It Harder: Hold a 3- to 5-pound dumbbell in each hand.
• Eyes gaze straight forward; keep chin parallel to fl oor.
• Don’t let back curve or shoulders rise toward ears.
Stop When…
• You can’t keep arms or legs up.
• You can’t keep chest lifted.
• Back or neck starts to hurt

4. Side Plank
>>Static balancing moves like this one are challenging because your deepest abs work really
hard to hold your core in midair. Do them after crunches to ensure complete fatigue--and fi rm
abs from every angle.

Lie on right side, elbow beneath shoulder, feet stacked, left hand on hip. Contract abs to lift
hip and leg off fl oor. Hold until fatigued, noting your time. Do 3 sets before switching sides.
*Prevention Fitness Lab testers averaged 19 seconds per side for each set.

Make It Easier: Bend legs and balance on bottom knee and side of lower leg.
Make It Harder: Straighten top arm toward sky.
• Keep head, neck, torso, hips, and legs all in one straight line.
• Don’t sink into shoulder--press elbow into fl oor and lift torso.
Stop When…
• Hip is sagging toward fl oor.
• Neck, shoulder, or back hurts.
• You can’t keep body in line.

Suffers When Acne

Perhaps the worst damage done to its victims by
acne is the great harm it does to their self esteem.
Considering that 80% of the population between the age
of 12 and 24 years old will be afflicted by acne to one
degree or another, acne is a very serious and widespread
concern. For many people, acne problems can continue all
throughout their life well into adulthood, even though they
were told as teens that they would “outgrow” it.
Did you suffer with acne as a teen? Perhaps you still
suffer with it as an adult. Looking back on your high school
or even college years, would you have felt better about yourself
and life in general if you had not
had acne? Virtually all of us

would answer, YES! Perhaps
you would have had the
courage to get a date with
that “special” person.
Perhaps you would have felt
and done better on some of
those early job interviews. A
clear complexion might have
created a stronger self image and a higher sense of self
confidence. Would this have allowed you to early on set your
goals in life significantly higher? It would have for me!

Acne is defined simply as “an inflammatory skin
disorder”. The pimples, the redness, the infections, are all
visible signs of skin that is inflamed or highly irritated.
Within every hair follicle is a tiny pit with a group
of cells that are called a sebaceous gland. This gland produces
an oil known as sebum, and its purpose is to oil the hair
shaft and to spread out over the top of the skin, sealing in
the moisture of the skin so that it stays healthy, soft, supple,
youthful and wrinkle free. (see illustration #1)
This process works quite well as long as the
sebaceous glands get all of the nutrients they need to
produce a high quality oil. However, at puberty the process
of sexual maturation occurs. This process is absolutely
essential for the continuation of life and our species, and
thus the sex glands get first call on the nutrients extracted
from the diet. If the diet is not adequate to supply nutrition
for both the skin and these essential sexual maturation
processes, the skin becomes short changed and acne is
almost guaranteed to occur.
Here is why! The hormones of sex are made from the
same basic nutrients as is the oil made by the sebaceous
glands. When there are not enough of these nutrients to do
both, the production of sex hormones hogs all the nutrients
and the skin begins to suffer as the result of a poor quality
of oil being produced by the nutrient deficient sebaceous
glands.All “simple” carbohydrate food is quickly converted to
glucose which floods into the blood
within minutes after it has been
eaten or drank. All of this glucose
in the blood is very dangerous as it
will soon crowd out the oxygen and
our brain will go into a coma. So
the pancreas produces a
special hormone to get rid
of all this glucose and shove
it into the cells of the
organs, muscles and skin.
This hormone is called

How to Lose Face Fat

How to Lose Face Fat - Face Fitness Formula
A study at Indiana University has shown that visiting a "training online" help you lose more weight than a
gym subscription to "classic". Study participants were divided into two groups: the first were invited to attend
a gym regularly for 12 weeks, while the latter were encouraged to spend a "virtual" Second Life, the online
platform in which users can create "avatars", or virtual versions of themselves, and communicate and interact
with other inhabitants of the online community. At the end of the period, participants in both groups had lost
an average the same amount of weight, about 4.5 kg.
The secret? The reason that the gymnasts 'virtual' managed to get during their hours of online gym was packed
up and higher with ease to real life.
Swissmedic, the Swiss drug agency, has launched a new appeal on diet pills sold online are counterfeit and
contain many active prinicipi withdrawn from the market for some time as sibutramine. The analysis carried
out on 122 samples of different weight loss seized by police in the Swiss Customs revealed that more than
half of the cases have involved products hazardous to health.
Many, for example, was found sibutramine, the active ingredient of Reductil, the weight-loss drug that was
withdrawn from the market worldwide for over a year ago because of its effects on the cardiovascular system.
In some samples of generic Meridia, warn the Swiss authorities, has been detected three times the normal
dose. A quantity that can be deadly. Alarm for rimonabant, the active ingredient in Acomplia, another drug for
weight loss for some time withdrawn from the market worldwide. Acomplia, is still in a counterfeit product,
particularly in China, to be sold through online sites far from commendable.
Swissmedic raises the level of attention for slimming substances defined as "natural": most do not contain
only pure vegetable substances, as claimed, but also chemical ingredients. Last year, the Swissmedic said they
had traced sibutramine weight loss in as many as 74 alleged the "herbs" and warned in particular with respect
to the purchase of "Lida Dai Dai Hua", found naturally from yet another "miracle" slimming properties.
At the moment, there is only one approved drug for weight loss in Europe and Italy: orlistat. Orlistat is sold in
both the-counter version, lighter, with the name of Alli, and the prescription version of the most impact, under
the name Xenical.

Friday 19 October 2012

how to relax mind

The average Australian goes to work, goes home, has a drink, has tea, sits down and watches
television, goes to sleep, wakes up and goes to bed, can't sleep, gets up the next morning tired and
does it all again. No wonder they're stressed out of their brain.
If you can't find time to
• get away from the desk at lunch time and go for a walk
• exercise
• go for a decent holiday each year
• meditate
• mix with friends
• go to the pictures in the middle of the week
• read a book
• conduct a good romantic life,
… it's time you woke up to yourself. Get a life!

If you want to relax your mind you need to start doing the things that relaxed people do.
For starters they meditate. Meditation would have to be the easiest and most cost effective thing
you can do to improve your physical and mental wellbeing.
'All man's miseries derive from not being able to sit quietly in a room alone.' Blaise Pascal
There is a compelling reason to meditate. It's not like it's hard. You don't have to do anything except
sit in a chair with your eyes closed and drift off with the faeries into the alpha brain-wave zone.
Meditation is the best way to 'warm up' that part of your autonomic nervous system that relaxes
muscles and blood vessels. And like a smile, it gives much and costs nothing - just a bit of time.
Most people can't find the time, including those who spend 20 hours a week watching TV.
Secondly, they keep themselves aerobically fit. The reasons for doing so are legion but in the stress
reduction arena, vigorous physical activity burns up the stress hormones and washes them out of
your body. What it does is 'cools down' that part of your autonomic nervous system that wants to
fire you up, tighten your muscles and constrict your blood vessels. You can't have a relaxed mind in
that state without a physical and mental collapse.
You'll know you're getting the right type of exercise when you get a sweat up. You stimulate your
elimination system - which involves your lungs, your skin, your kidneys and your bowel. You also
get out of your body the waste products of a toxic environment. You feel better.
They take a lunch break, get outside for a wander round.
They take their holidays. Paul Pearsal in his book Superimmunity says you need at least one
twenty-one day holiday a year. Anything less than that and you're still worrying about the work you
haven't completed and the work you still have to do.
Leonardo da Vinci said,
'Every now and then go away, have little relaxation, for when you come back to your work your
judgment will be surer; since to remain constantly at work will cause you to lose power of
judgment. Go some distance away because the work appears smaller and more of it can be taken in
at a glance, and lack of harmony or proportion is more readily seen.'
Good advice now as it was then. People like to think life has sped up since Da Vinci but no doubt
there was a rat race in Florence in the 16th Century. And speaking of the rat race, as Lily Tomlin
said, 'Even if you win the rat race, you are still a rat!'
They eat wisely, plenty of fruit and vegetables and not much fat, flour and sugar. They drink plenty
of water and hardly any alcohol.
They like a good laugh.

100 Health Tips

100 Health Tips
1. Breakfast is the most vital meal. It should not be missed in order to refuel
your body from functional metabolic changes during long hours of sleep. It is
best to include carbohydrates, fats and proteins for an ideal nutrition such as
combinations of fresh fruits, bread toast and breakfast cereals with milk.
2. Maintain a well balanced diet for a healthy living. A well balanced diet is
eating different kinds of nutritious foods in proportion. It will boost your
energy and will improve your welfare. Excessive as well as deficiency of
specific vitamins and minerals can also cause undesirable effects to your
3. Be conscious on how much salt you take in during snacks and meals. The
table salt is sodium chloride which is widely used as flavor enhancer. High
sodium intake is a risk factor for diseases like high blood, heartburn,
osteoporosis and other cardiovascular diseases. Limit sodium intake by just
reducing your consumption of salty foods without taking the option of salt
4. Stay away from buffet or eat-all-you-can meals because it will possibly tempt
you to eat too much to get a fair value of what you have paid. Otherwise, you
can go for nutritious foods such as fresh fruits, vegetable salads and low fat
foods. Stand firm and resist your craving to refill your plate for the second
5. Limit intake of processed foods as in canned goods, refrigerated and dried
foods. The food processing alters the natural components of the foods which
make it less beneficial to the body. The use of chemicals to preserve, control
and enhance the flavor can be more damaging to the systems of the body than
enhancing health.
6. Consider eating whole foods. Whole foods are nutritious foods having its
natural compounds intact. It is neither processed nor refined. It does not
contain added chemicals such as flavorings, preservatives and other
ingredients. Start eating whole foods by adding slices of fresh fruits and
vegetables to each and every meal.

7. The best and healthy way of preparing poultry for a meal is to remove the
visible skin and fats prior to cooking. Roast, bake or broil poultry instead of
deep frying to prevent oil absorption. Among the parts, the chicken breasts
contain high protein and low fat which make it the better choice cuts.
8. Water is vital to sustain a healthy life. It is recommended to drink at least 8
ounces of 8 glasses of water every day. It aids the cells, tissues and organs to
function normally. Body water deficit or dehydration can cause serious
damage to kidneys and other organs which may result to mental confusion,
coma and even death if not given medical intervention immediately.
9. Maintain a low fat diet. Foods that are naturally low in fats are fruits,
vegetables, beans and grains. Make sure to check the product labels you buy
from the market. Fat content label per serving should not be greater than 2 to
3 grams. It is best to choose fat content of 1 gram of fat per 100 calories.
10. Supplement your body with iron nutrition. Iron can only be taken from food
sources such as red meats, fish, poultry, cereals, leafy vegetables and raisins.
It serves as a fuel to energize our body by helping in red blood cells
production. Take iron-rich foods with Vitamin C for an effective iron
11. Eat banana for breakfast is an effective weight loss plan known as Miracle
Morning Banana Diet. In this diet plan, all you need is to eat banana for
breakfast; drink adequate water; no more eating after 8:00 PM and sleep
before midnight. It is proven to be effective since bananas increase
12. Include high-fiber foods in your diet plan. It is a simple means to maintain
health and physical fitness. High-fiber foods can be found in whole foods
such as fruits, legumes, nuts, grains and vegetables. Fiber contents can help
enhance your energy and will keep you away from diseases such as
cardiovascular disease.
13. Carbohydrates do not increase weight. It is not advisable to cut down
carbohydrates intake because it is the primary food source of energy and
contains low fat. The side dishes eaten with rice and the spreads placed in the
sandwiches are the ones that need to be limited if losing weight is your goal.

14. Treat yourself for a non-fat yogurt and combine it with your favorite fruit
slices. Dairy products such as yogurt are naturally rich in Calcium to
strengthen bones and vitamin A which plays a great role in making our skin
beautiful. Non-fat yogurt also contains friendly bacteria known as probiotics
to enhance digestive processes.
15. Drink orange juice or eat orange every day. Citrus fruits are high in Vitamin
C that can enhance our immune system which improves our resistance to
infection. It also facilitates in the absorption of iron for the prevention of
anemia. Other sources of vitamin C include berries, tomatoes, kiwi and green
leafy vegetables.
16. Enjoy eating steamed oysters. Oysters are rich in zinc. Zinc is needed for the
production of cells and repair of tissues. It also helps in the normal
functioning of the immune system and the reproductive system. Zinc can also
be found in other food sources such as beef and pork.
17. To have a brighter and healthier eye, eat foods rich with vitamins A, C, E,
beta-carotene and lutein. These are all antioxidants that can decrease your risk
of eye problems especially the age-related macular degeneration which can
cause blindness as you grow old. It can all be taken from green leafy
18. Don’t eat if you are not hungry. It will cause you a lot of weight. The
moment you feel hungry, drink water because sometimes we respond to our
thirst by eating. After drinking and you still feel the same way, eat but don’t
overdo it. It slowly and enjoy your food without adding any more foods to
your plate.
19. Control yourself from eating too much during holidays and parties. Foods
prepared can be very mouth watery but you need to resist it by staying away
from the preparation. As much as possible, set in your mind that you need to
eat only nutritious foods at a non excessive amount.
20. Be conscious of what you are drinking. Sodas, coffee, energy drink and
alcohol drinks contain a lot of calories. It concentrates more on making your
belly fats bigger. When you feel thirsty, the cheapest and most helpful for
your body is to grab a glass of water or diluted freshly squeezed juice instead.

21. Junk foods literally means useless. It does not do any good to your body. It is
high in sodium, calories and a lot of chemical ingredients to attract buyers
with the artificial flavoring. Instead of buying junk foods for your snacks and
break time, substitute it with nutritious fruits and vegetables.
22. Reduce your sugar gradually in your hot or cold drinks until you don’t need it
anymore. White sugar does not contain any vitamins or minerals, and brown
sugar contains a very small amount of no nutritional importance. Sugar and
honey are also fattening and can cause tooth decay.
23. Give fruit or toys instead of giving candies and sweets to children as present or
reward. Children as young associative learners will later associate harmful
foods with good events. This might overshadow their thinking about the true
value of a healthy and nutritious diet. As much as possible, practice a healthy
lifestyle with the young ones.
24. It is important to be careful of how much you eat. Know the intended number
of servings of packed foods before eating. Some packed noodles can be small
in packages but it sometimes prepared for two or more persons. Others fail to
realize this and eat the whole pack of noodles making their calories and food
intake double.
25. Eat more fish. White fish is low in fat and oily fish has high omega 3-fatty
acids. Fish oil or the omega 3-fatty acids are unsaturated oil that cannot be
found in other food sources. It will help the body combat cholesterol and will
help maintain a healthy heart function.
26. Omega 3-fatty acid is beneficial in getting rid of cholesterol but for those who
do not like to eat oily fish can substitute Flaxseeds instead. It is a composed
of Omega 3 fatty an acid which is available in different nutrition store. You
can take this once a week as your food supplement.
27. Be careful of what you buy in the grocery store, an attractive food package
and expensive price does not necessarily mean that it is healthy. Famous
product endorsers can also be very convincing but you should not believe
everything you see and hear from them. It is best that you have your own
knowledge of what is good for you.

28. The most important thing to know about allergy is the allergen. Allergens are
substances that trigger allergy which can be in the form of dust, pet’s hair,
scents, pollen and smoke. Trace the pattern of your allergy. Sneezing after
cleaning your house might mean that your allergens are dust.
29. Do an elimination dieting if you suspect that you are allergic to foods. Do this
gradually by eliminating each food you usually eat for a period of 2 to 4 weeks
to see changes. The process will be repeated in an opposite manner by
introducing again the eliminated food to see if allergic symptoms will be
30. The best way to deal with food allergy is to avoid its triggering factor. Check
food labels carefully for additives that can cause you allergic reactions. If you
suspect that a specific additive can cause you the allergy, avoid those as much
as you can. Consider fresh and unprocessed foods.
31. Monitor your food intake by keeping a diary. List down all your activities
including all the foods you eat. Take note if when your allergies begin to
show. It may establish a connection between your allergic reactions and a
particular food, or something like scents, soap, cosmetics, clothing that you
wear or your pet’s fur.
32. Don’t hesitate to ask the ingredients of the menu when eating at restaurants,
parties or when eating foods prepared by someone else. It is important to
know this information for your own safety and precaution. Always bring with
you antihistamines or anti-allergy drugs as prescribed by your doctor for
emergency cases.
33. If possible, wear an ID bracelet that indicates your allergy. This will help
other people know what triggers your allergic reactions in cases of emergency.
You may also consider telling your family members, officemates and friends
about your allergies before going to a buffet. In this case, they can alert you of
the food you should not take.
34. It is important to seek help from experts such as allergist or immunologist for
better diagnosis and treatment of your allergies. They may perform several
tests to identify the specific triggering factors. They will also provide you
medical prescription suited for you.

35. It is best to check if you manifest signs and symptoms of allergies in the
widely known food allergens such as soy, milk, peanuts, sea foods and eggs.
If it cause you itchiness, sneezing, swelling and hives; keep it away from your
home and avoid these as much as possible.
36. As soon as you discover that you have food allergy, you need to adjust your
meal plan as well as your nutritional intake. By getting rid of the triggering
foods, you may need to supplement the nutrients lost. Diet modifications are
necessary but still observe a well-balanced diet to maintain a healthy body
without the food that triggers your allergy.
37. Sometimes the food allergens are your favorite foods which could be more
difficult for you to get rid of. Try to condition your mind that foods and
additives that can trigger your allergies are not edible. In this way, you can
gradually avoid temptation of eating or tasting bits.
38. It is better not to eat any kinds of nuts even if you are aware of the specific
type of nut you are allergic to. Determine carefully the content of what you
are buying because nuts are not only present in some food products but are
also used as ingredients in shampoos, soaps and lotions.
39. Stress, tension and anxiety can also trigger allergies. Try to determine the
causes and deal with it by relaxation, meditation, reflection and other kinds of
coping technique. Drink milk before sleeping at night it can greatly contribute
to a good rest thus decreases your potential to be stressed out.
40. Always be ready because allergic reactions may occur anytime and anywhere.
Imagine different situations in advance about having allergy and how you can
handle it if you are away from your home. This will help you prepare and
think for your safety first than panic and not do anything at all.
41. If your children have food allergies, teach them not to accept any food given
by their friends, classmates or anyone without your confirmation. Let them
know what they are allergic to and the symptoms they will manifest in order
for them to seek help from adults or their school clinic when it occur.
42. Avoid all kinds of milk and dairy products if you have milk allergy. Make
sure to have an alternative nutrition or substitute milk nutrients by eating

calcium rich foods and Vitamin D. Consider eating more spinach and broccoli
or talk to a dietician to provide you with a more planned diet.
43. Supplement yourself with vitamin C. Vitamin C functions as a natural anti
allergy. A recommended intake of 1000 mg of vitamin C taken two times a
day can be a natural treatment for the relief of your allergies and asthma. It
should be taken from fresh citrus fruits not canned juice or processed foods.
44. Taking a bath before going to sleep at night is recommended for those who
have allergies with pollen. It is difficult to avoid pollen but reducing your
exposure can be attainable. Stay inside especially on hot, dry and windy days.
Always close your windows and doors with your air conditioner on.
45. A carpeted floor is not recommended for those with dust allergies. It will
trigger sneezing and itchiness continuously. Otherwise, purchase a vacuum
cleaner to clean it more often. Bed covers should also be changed often to
keep from setting in. Leaving your footwear outside your room is also a good
idea to prevent more dust.
46. It is best not to share your bedroom with your pets especially if you have
allergies. Place them in a separate room to avoid inhaling their hair and dead
skin cells. Sometimes others who have different type of allergy may develop
allergic reaction to pets more often to those who share bed with their pets.
47. Wear gloves and mask when dusting or cleaning your house to prevent
inhalation of dust. Keep your stuffed toys or place them in a sealed plastic
wrap. Always wash floor rags to prevent growth of molds. Make sure to
vacuum or clean under your bed and always use a damp cloth to wipe dust off.
48. For skin allergies such as contact dermatitis, you should know the surface or
texture that you are allergic to. Most common causes of skin allergies are fake
jewelries, leather-made materials and metals. If you are allergic to these,
make sure that you will place a cloth or cover to prevent a direct contact to
your skin.
49. Wash skin surface with cool water and mild soap immediately after you
developed rashes and itchiness from a known chemical irritant. Don’t scratch
to prevent wound and further infection. You may use calamine lotion to treat

itchiness but not in the face area or near the eyes. If rashes will continuously
develop, seek for medical help.
50. Have a daily workout or exercise – Exercising and a daily workout will not
only give you a healthy body but also help in purifying your body and mind
through the release of your aggressive endorphins and emotions. Through
exercise, you can take in more oxygen allowing your body to pump blood
51. Choose to use non-toxic home cleaners – even cleaners that you contains toxic
chemicals, even if they are not eaten, can enter your bodily system through
regular use. By using non-toxic cleaners, you can be sure to rid your home of
harmful chemicals that can be bad for your health.
52. Try to stop or at least limit the pills you take daily – while chronic health
conditions may result into the need for you to consume several types of pills
daily, it would do well to try to limit their use as much as possible since the
simultaneous intake of these pills can result into kidney damage due to its
harmful chemical contents.
53. Deep breathing – make it a habit to constantly take in some deep breaths now
and again especially if you are out in the open where there is fresh air. Deep
breathing can help get a relaxed mind and help you take in much needed
oxygen that can assist in the circulation of your blood.
54. Eat organic food – at present, people are recognizing the importance of
organic foods in promoting the health of a person. By having a lot of organic
and fresh fruits and vegetables, not only will your body receive any harmful
chemicals and toxins, it can also remove whatever toxins you already have in
your system.
55. Limit or stop activities that can cause unhealthy lifestyle – by stopping from
gossiping, watching lesser television and not having too much online
activities, you can have a mind that is much rested and you can begin to do, in
its place, more productive and more important activities that will not affect
your mood or be harmful to your health.

56. Stop or Limit Alcohol Intake – Since red wine is proven to be good for the
heart due to its resveratrol content, you still need to limit alcohol intake since
too much of it can result into health and organ damages, e.g., heart weakening,
liver problems, loss of sleep and feeling of tiredness. You can opt to totally
stop drinking and get resveratrol pills instead.
57. Stop drug use and abuse – Aside from those prescribed, it comes as no secret
that dangerous drugs can lead to many unhealthy results some of which are
fatal. It can give your body an incredible amount of toxin that can
immediately weaken the immune system of your body that you need to fight
58. Wear little make-up – not everybody knows that most of the make-up
available in the market contains chemicals and toxins that can enter the bodily
system when worn. There are many ways to make your make up look good
even if only a small amount is worn and knowing how will be good to your
health. Better yet, make use of make-up that is maid of natural or chemicalfree
ingredients that will not bring you any harm.
59. Leave your hair alone – if hair sprays can ruin the ozone layer, what more can
it do to your own body? So does the hair dyes that contain various chemicals
with adverse effects on the health of a person. Not only will your hair and
scalp be affected but so are your other organs just by breathing it in the
chemicals it contains.
60. Have more safe sex – one good exercise that can bring positive results is
having sex. To make sure you do not get sick from it, do it with your wife or
husband only. Sex can bring you more energy, reduce your cholesterol in the
body, increase oxygen flow to the brains, help you get more sleep, reduce
stress and pressures and even serve as a natural pain reliever.
61. Do juice fasting – one popular detox method, though controversial, is juice
fasting. It is done with the primary purpose of reducing or eliminating the
cooked food products and animal products that may have already accumulated
in your body so as to clean your system.

62. Colon Cleansing – clearly one of the most popular methods of detoxification is
colon cleaning. It is the method of cleaning your colon or the large intestines
of the harmful parasites and bowel that may already have accumulated or
petrified in the colon that can lead to poor digestion and illnesses.
63. Do hydrotherapy – this is slowly but surely becoming a popular way to
detoxify and are usually offered in saunas and spas. You may also do it in
your own home while having a shower. It is considered to be one of those
alternative methods in detoxification wherein the altered water temperature
can result into the body’s blood circulation and the removal of wastes from the
tissues of the body.
64. Do skin brushing – the skin is the biggest organ of the body. Therefore, it is
most capable of getting harmful toxins, allowing the toxins to enter your
system. By using the detox method of skin brushing, your skin becomes
stimulated eliminating the toxic waste products in your body and makes your
kidney healthier.
65. Intake of herbs – plenty of healthy and natural herbs can play a big role in
internal and external body detoxification. Example of these herbs are licorice
and yucca roots which are great laxatives, dandelion and milk thistle for the
liver, witch hazel and cranberry which are good-anti oxidant and antiinflammatory
herbs and pumpkin seeds that can remove parasites from your
66. Meditation – is a great way of detoxifying your mind and body of energy
drainers and poisonous thoughts that can prove to be very harmful. Choose
the best meditation guides available and a follow a specific schedule and
program that you can do regularly.
67. Do meditation alone –doing meditation alone is the most effective manner of
doing it if you want to get immediate results. To do it well, you should
remove any discomforts or nuisances that can ruin your concentration. Make
use of a comfortable location with proper lighting and temperature. Be patient
with the results as they do not happen overnight.

68. De-stress through various effective methods – there are many ways of ridding
yourself of stress and pressures such as getting counsel. Opening up being
more sociable, doing activities that can improve your confidence of yourself
and setting up realistic goals. By also understanding and being happy with
your body, you would not need to feel insecure that you do things that can be
harmful to your body.
69. Eating lots of fiber – it is already a known fact that eating fiber foods can help
a lot in cleaning your body’s digestive tract of various toxins and accumulated
feces. Some f the best fiber foods are brown rice, broccoli, wheat bread, corn,
bran cereal and of course, fruits and vegetables.
70. Drink plenty of water – it is easily one of the most effective and cheapest ways
of cleansing your system and flushing out the toxins. Drinking water is a lot
healthier than having sodas, alcohol or juices when thirsty or after eating. Try
to discipline yourself to just have water.
71. Do not have junk food – junk food may be easy and tasty to eat but they are
processed, meaning they contain chemicals and unnatural sweeteners and
flavorings that can easily bring poison and toxins to your system. Not only
can this type of food bring you unhealthy and adverse effects, it can also make
you overweight.
72. Eat raw food – there are many raw food and raw food detox diet that are
effective in detoxifying your body. Having it can help in cleansing your body
of processed ingredients and animal products that have already accumulated in
your system.
73. Intake of healthy food that are great anti-oxidants – thee are many types of
food and nutrients you can eat or drink to help you with detoxification, e.g.,
cranberries which promote sharpness of the brains and is a great antioxidant,
Vitamin C, which is a detox agent perfect for the liver due to its glutathione
content and garlic which is also anti-oxidant rich and a known ingredient for
health purposes.

74. Eat organic, locally grown and ethical foods – By including organic food in
your daily diet as well as locally grown food that you are sure to be pesticidefree,
you can be assured of not only making your body healthy and free of
toxins but also help your community. So with the consumption of ethical food
that will ensure you that those did not come from slaughterhouses, etc.
75. Yoga – it is easily one of the most favorite choices for exercises that can
remove the stress and toxin in the body by easing the mind, promoting
respiration, decreasing blood pressure, getting better rest and sleep, promote
better digestion and improvement of posture and focus.
76. Get cardiovascular exercises – this type of exercise can easily promote health
and is a workout that is great for busting calories. A scheduled routing of
cardio exercises can also be good for anger management thereby resulting into
a more relaxed body and mind.
77. Do regular swimming exercises- it is now considered to be a good detox
exercises since it works out your heart and muscles and it promotes better
breathing and gives better body temperature thereby assisting in the internal
cleansing of your body. It would however be best to swim in a pool with
natural water instead of the chlorinated ones.
78. Attend pilates classes – this is another workout, like yoga, that will not only
boost your energy but also promote your immune system that will not even
require you to also have cardiovascular exercises that will induce sweat from
your body. Like yoga, this is also a very popular workout nowadays even for
79. Do exercises that will reduce fat and make you sweat – exercises and workout
such as these will not only give you a well toned and better shaped body but
also cleanse it from toxins that are both stored and are located on your body’s
surface. You have to know what the proper exercises are that will have you
sweating and losing unhealthy fat.
80. Exercise to get a good night’s sleep - since proper sleep is needed to get the
toxins out of your system, it would be ideal get the right exercise that will
induce you to sleep properly and restfully. Make is a part a habit and be sure
protect your sleeping environment from distractions such as TV, computer or
too much lights.

81. Have a lifestyle that is holistic – having a holistic life is living one that is
mindful of the body, the mind and the spirit’s health all at the same time and
not just any one of them. This way, you are able to monitor not just your
health but also your body’s toxicity in whole and not just in part.
82. Avoid promiscuity – by living a life free from perversion and promiscuity, you
will not only prevent yourself from suffering emotional drain that can be
brought by these actions but also avoid possible illnesses and problems caused
by these acts of perversion such as STD and other sexually related sicknesses
or worse, AIDS.
83. Proper hygiene – hygiene affects the overall health of a person and drives
away toxins from entering your body. Make sure to always have a bath at
least once a day and make sure that you brush and floss your teeth several
times a day, preferably after every meal. Also, wash your hands as frequently
as possible, particularly before eating.
84. Be a vegetarian – although difficult for many people who have become used to
eating meat, those vegans out there are actually enjoying the benefits brought
about by not eating red meat, chicken or any other animal food. Vegetables
and fruits have always been associated with good nutrients necessary in
cleansing the system. You can even help the environment in the process.
85. Have a macrobiotic lifestyle – having a life such as this means that you will
live based on your life’s harmony with nature by having a good lifestyle and
proper diet combined with your love and respect for the environment. There
are many ways to do it especially today that people are becoming highly aware
of the environmental problems we are experiencing.
86. Have a therapeutic and strategic body massage – by getting the services of
someone who can give you such a massage, you will be able to enjoy its
benefits such as a better digestive system and the stimulation of your body’s
ability to get rid of wastes.

87. Make use of a car that is eco-friendly – getting rid of pollutants in the
environment is a way of removing toxins that may enter your body. By
making use of a car that will not result into additional pollution, like an
electric car or one run by water, that you and your loved one can easily breathe
in, you will be able to decrease the existence of toxic fumes in the air.
88. Grow indoor plants – Doing this will not only make your home look more
beautiful but also allow the oxygen to freely flow in your surroundings
allowing you to take in enough which will promote your respiration as well as
purify the air as it prevents the production of more carbon dioxide which could
be harmful.
89. Proper composting and pet waste disposal – along with a healthy body should
some a healthy environment. Failure to do so will only result into a
surrounding that is toxic field and unhealthy. Since garbage is part of life and
pets are a common fixture in many homes, it is necessary that proper pet waste
and garbage disposal is done. Composting or recycling of garbage or using it
to enrich your garden is a good advice.
90. Growing a garden – speaking of gardens, having a home with a garden will
give its inhabitants a complete and continued supply of oxygen which is
necessary in various bodily systems. It is also good to grow your own fruits
and vegetables in your own garden that you can use at home.
91. Proper air supply – air is important to your health and your system. Make sure
that there is more than enough of it in your home by having proper ventilations
in your rooms and regularly changing the air filters and making use of carpets
and furnishings made of natural materials.
92. Use aromatherapy – there are now many of these aromatherapy methods
available in the market, including the internet. Majority of these products
work as promised and are great techniques in helping heal certain ailments and
colds as well as relieve stress.

93. Do not let work stress you out – to some people, their work is a form of stress,
something they cannot look forward to but still do everyday for the sake of
earning a living. This should not be the case. Instead, you should learn how
to enjoy your work or at least make it quit acceptable by being more organized
avoiding annoying co-workers.
94. Know when to tune out – by learning when to tune out, you will be able to
give your mind and body the proper rest it needs particularly from gossipy coworkers
and friends, from e-mail or Twitter messages, or just about anything
going on around you that could just give you unnecessary excitement or even
95. Learn to say no – you can say no to anything that you think will only cause
you harm like eating bad food, taking alcohol, doing stressful events, losing
sleep over something and any other stressful things that will only lead to an
unhealthy lifestyle. Saying no to these will do you well.
96. Lead a simple life – by doing this, you can put more concentration of keeping
your body and your lifestyle healthy. The more things you do, the less time
you will have to think of things that will make you aware of the harmful toxins
and chemicals present in the environment that can give you harm. Making it
simple though will also allow you time for yourself.
97. Learn to sustain what you already achieved – having a healthy and proper diet
is already difficult. Even harder is the task of sustaining it and making sure
that what you achieved previously in terms of your health and detoxification is
not wasted by just going back to your bad habits.
98. Leave the couch and get yourself moving to achieve a healthy lifestyle.
Remember that resisting the temptation to sit on your couch the whole day
means fighting off the temptation to the main culprits of obesity, such as
overeating (especially of junk foods), oversleeping, and, of course, the
unhealthy sedentary living.
99. 102 – Make your exercise or fitness regimen fun and interesting by including
others in your daily routine. Take for example, walking at the park with your
loveable dog, or jogging every morning with your best friend. In some cases,
join exercise groups to gain new friends and get more advice about exercising.

100. 103 – Choose an exercise or fitness regimen that you know you can
handle. Not all exercises work for everyone. So be sure to get your research
done first, especially if you are eyeing on a new exercise program. Talk to
your body, and see how far you think your system can go before deciding
which fitness program to pursue.


God provided us with awesome bodies capable of healing themselves and resisting
tremendous strains. He provided all the foods we need to keep our bodies healthy. He even
left clue in some of the foods to let us know they were especially good for certain organs and
parts of the body. The chart below shows some examples.
A sliced Carrot looks like the human eye. The pupil, iris and radiating lines
look just like the human eye - and science now shows carrots greatly enhance blood flow to
and function of the eyes.
A Tomato has four chambers and is red. The heart has four chambers and is
red. All of the research shows tomatoes are loaded with lycopine and are indeed pure heart
and blood food.
Grapes hang in a cluster that has the shape of the heart. Each grape looks like a
blood cell and all of the research today shows grapes are also profound heart and blood
vitalizing food.
A Walnut looks like a little brain, a left and right hemisphere, upper cerebrums
and lower cerebellums. Even the wrinkles or folds on the nut are just like the neo-cortex. We
now know walnuts help develop more than three (3) dozen neuron-transmitters for brain
Kidney Beans actually heal and help maintain kidney function and they look
exactly like the human kidneys.
Celery, Bok Choy, Rhubarb and many more look just like bones. These foods
specifically target bone strength. Bones are 23% sodium and these foods are 23% sodium. If
you don't have enough sodium in your diet, the body pulls it from the bones, thus making
them weak. These foods replenish the skeletal needs of the body.
Avocadoes, Eggplant and Pears target the health and function of the womb and
cervix of the female - they look just like these organs. Today's research shows that when a
woman eats one avocado a week, it balances hormones, sheds unwanted birth weight, and
prevents cervical cancers. And how profound is this? It takes exactly nine (9) months to
grow an avocado from blossom to ripened fruit. There are over 14,000 photolytic chemical
constituents of nutrition in each one of these foods (modern science has only studied and
named about 141 of them).
Figs are full of seeds and hang in twos when they grow. Figs increase the
mobility of male sperm and increase the numbers of Sperm as well to overcome male
Sweet Potatoes look like the pancreas and actually balance the glycemic index
of diabetics.
Olives assist the health and function of the ovaries.
Oranges, Grapefruits, and other Citrus fruits look just like the mammary glands
of the female and actually assist the health of the breasts and the movement of lymph in and
out of the breasts.
Onions look like the body's cells. Today's research shows onions help clear
waste materials from all of the body cells. They even produce tears which wash the epithelial
layers of the eyes. A working companion, Garlic, also helps eliminate waste materials and
dangerous free radicals from the body
There are many other delicious fruits and vegetables God has provided for us all the things
we need for a healthy body. One example is honey, often called the perfect food because of
the many healing properties associated with it. Salt water, while we can’t drink it, has many
healing properties for our outside bodies; a salt water bath, for instance, is very soothing and
healing for sore muscles. Salt water is also a great source for iodine. Everything we need
was provided long before we were ever created.
Researchers are just beginning to uncover that all we needed was here all along. Even the
formulas for our drugs begin from foods that have healing properties.


Sugar is good for metabolism and is the first source of energy in our bodies. It is this source
we need for instant energy. We get what we need from fruits and vegetable. Sugars from
fruits, called fructose, are broken down by the body slowly and are converted into glucose
and glycogen, energy sources for the cells. Glycogen is stored in the muscles for quick
energy, while glucose is metabolized by the cells for their energy needs. Unlike table sugar
your body can’t use fructose until it is converted by the liver, usually into glycogen. Sucrose
(table sugar) is instantly available and spikes blood sugar levels, which can overtax an
overworked pancreas.
Processed sugar comes from sugar beets and sugar cane, with an end product of processed
sugars (white sugar, brown sugar, etc) and molasses, while yet another sugar is produced
from corn, making corn syrup. These sugars are so refined that they are readily digested and
absorbed into our systems, often in greater quantities than our bodies need. They are acidic
in nature and tax our body’s pH maintenance systems.
Food manufacturers like to use corn syrup instead of sugar because it is less expensive. The
problem is it is not as sweet. So they add fructose (fruit sugar) resulting in high fructose corn
syrup. The body can only store so much glycogen, which is produced from fructose. The
rest is stored by the liver as fat. The sucrose from the corn syrup is readily available to the
cells, but unless you are burning it up exercising at the time, it cannot utilize it. Insulin
spikes to process the sugar. If it can’t be immediately used it creates an acid environment
and the body triggers fat storage to equalize the acidic build-up. That is why high fructose
corn syrup is not good for you. High fructose corn syrup is found in many of our processed
foods today. The resulting health epidemic is already here with people consuming large
quantities. Our bodies were never intended to process such high sugar content.


‘Milk does a body good’ is a slogan most of us have heard. It’s used by the American Dairy
Association to promote cow’s milk. Raw milk has some great benefits, but processed milk as
we get it from the store does not do our bodies good.
I grew up on cow’s milk, believed the hype and have been told that milk is our best source of
calcium. I grew up in an area where dairy was big business – lots of dairy farms. I was
taught that homogenization and pasteurization were very good for the milk. I have found that
they are simply ways to mass produce dairy milk without strict standards for large production
facilities. Pasteurization, heating/cooking of the milk to destroy any bacteria, actually makes
calcium less bio-available, less digestible and actually denatures some of the proteins in milk.
Milk neutralizes hydrochloric acid in the stomach, making it much harder for the body to
digest. Studies show that the people who drink more milk have the lowest calcium levels in
their bodies. It is just not useable by the body in its grocery store form. If you can get your
hands on certified raw milk, that does have benefits. Drinking processed milk actually makes
the body less efficient at absorbing nutrients, not just from milk, but from all foods. This is
caused by the mucous layer milk leaves on our stomach and intestines. That’s why we are
often told to drink milk for an upset stomach or to prevent absorption for some poisons.
Another problem with milk is its high protein content. Our bodies make 70% of what we
need and get the rest from plant-based foods. Animal-based proteins found in milk are
harder for the body to process and cause calcium leaching to try and rid the excess from our
blood. Remember, calcium is used to maintain pH. Excess protein in the blood makes the
blood more acidic and the body has to remove it.
Cow’s milk is for calves.


Not eating meat is hard for me, as I grew up with meat as a part of almost every dinner. I
was taught that meat was an important source of protein. It was necessary. I could never
understand cultures that ate predominately vegetables and fruits and very little meat. I read
of one such culture that might share a chicken thigh among 4 to 5 adults, while I would
consider 2 to 3 pieces of fried chicken at a meal about right. So, I did a little research to see
if I could find out something to convince me to at least cut back my meat consumption.
Did you know that broccoli is about 48% protein? Vegetables and fruits not only contain
vitamins and minerals in abundance, but are the best source of fiber that rids the body of
excess fats, cleans the intestines and controls hunger. That fiber is produced from proteins,
just as our structure of muscles is built from protein. Did you know the strongest animals in
the world eat plants? Horses, elephants, elk, gorillas and others are vegetarians.
I was always told that athletes needed animal protein to reach peak performance, but I found
that protein from meat is not only hard for the body to digest, but an excess of protein leaches
calcium from your body, making your bones weaker. Besides, our bodies produce 70% of
the protein we need. If we put stress on our bodies to develop more strength and power, our
bodies step up to produce what we need from the foods we eat, especially vegetables. Think
about when we have the greatest protein needs in as lives. It is as we are growing. Mother’s
milk is only 2% protein. Yet the first years of life are when we grow and develop most.
Consider some world class athletes: Sixto Lenares is a world record holder in the triathalon.
He cycled 185 miles, swam 4.8 miles and ran 52.4 miles in one day. Peter Burwash, a
Canadian tennis player received the highest physical index of any athlete in Canada. Dave
Scott won the Ironman Triathalon six times – that’s a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile cycling and
26.2 mile run. Donna McMahon is a USA athlete who has completed many marathons.
These athletes did not eat meat or dairy products. If you want to see more famous
vegetarians visit
Protein is the last source our bodies use for energy. Carbohydrates are used first; simple
sugars from fruits and then more complex carbohydrates. Fats are used next, followed by
proteins last. In fact, our bodies don’t like to metabolize protein. They only use protein if
there is no other source of energy. Protein is used by the body to build, not to create energy.
Our bodies try to flush animal-based protein from our bodies because of the acidic nature of
meat, leading to calcium leaching to maintain a balanced pH. Plant-based protein is so much
easier for the body to process for its needs. Even then, excess protein in flushed from the
body. Meats are high in protein and difficult for the body to metabolize. We just don’t need
the excess protein from meats.
Meat is difficult to digest and requires more enzymes to process through the stomach.
Remember those reports about 5 pounds of meat sitting in your intestines? That’s because
meat putrifies in your intestines. Last time I checked ‘putrify’ means rot. Yuck!
“Choosing meals built on whole grains, legumes,
fruits and vegetables is the best way to stay healthy.”
- American Dietetic Association
Uric acid is the substance that gives meat its flavor, and actually comes from the urine of the
animal that floods the body of the animal when it is killed. No wonder meat, especially beef,
is high on the acidity scale of foods. An average piece of meat contains about 2½ times the
uric acid the human body can effectively process daily.
The American Cancer Society has ‘two fundamental foundations’ for preventing or treating
cancer through diet. Eat more plant-based foods and eat less animal-based foods. Yet, how
often do you hear that from your doctor?
Animal products have no fiber.


Foods provide us with fats, carbohydrates, proteins, fiber, essential minerals and vitamins,
enzymes, antioxidants and so many other nutrients that science is still discovering. Fruits
and vegetables provide the greatest benefit to our bodies and the highest concentration of
healthy nutrients. The fresher the food, the better.
Everyone doesn’t need to become a vegetarian. I have no plans to completely give up fish,
chicken, turkey or beef. I have no plans to totally eliminate eggs or milk products from my
diet. These foods are good sources of some nutrients that are hard to find in abundance in
plant foods, especially calcium. I like them. I’ve grown up eating them. I think they are
provided by God, though I think we place too much of an emphasis on them in our diets. I
am advocating a diet rich in plant foods – fruits and vegetables in abundance. This entire
book is about what I did to reverse the diseases in my life and the background information of
why I did what I did. Nutrition is a part of that.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

7 Powerful Relaxation Techniques

The stress of modern life can make real relaxation an elusive dream. Yet there is no reason life has to be filled with anxiety and stress. If you take some time to learn the art of relaxation, you can easily rediscover the enjoyment in life. The secret of relaxation is a controlled state of mind. For example, you could spend a whole hour in a health spa; but, if you spend the whole time worrying about what will happen tomorrow, how can you relax?
Relaxation Techniques
1. Now is the only Time that is important – How often do we find ourselves worrying about the future? Anxiety about the future takes up a significant portion of our thoughts. But, to be honest, worrying about the future doesn’t help in any way. If you always live in the past or future you will never be able to relax. To be in a state of relaxation means living only in the present moment.
2. Your environment Matters – Where you spend time has a subtle influence over your state of mind. Consciously we may not be always aware of this; however, you will notice that in some rooms it’s easier to relax and be at peace. Look at your room; if you see piles of clutter these will act as constant reminders of things you need to do.
These constant subconscious reminders are a heavy weight on the mind. If you tidy up the room and create a pleasant environment, it will make a big difference to your state of mind and enable you to relax. Don’t be reluctant to spend a bit of money on things like air-freshners and flowers. Spend time tidying up your living/work environment. Its essential to relaxation and will also make you more productive.
3. Meditation – During meditation we actively make time to silence the mind and bring to the fore a real feeling of relaxation. Meditation helps because we learn to control the relentless flow of thoughts. During meditation, the aim is to keep the mind still; this brings clarity and inner peace. This is the best type of relaxation because we become free from the relentless worries and anxieties of our own making. Find time to meditate for 10 or 15 minutes each day; through meditation we can easily detach ourselves from the pressures of the world.
4. Productivity not Procrastination – Relaxation doesn’t have to mean spending all day on a beach doing nothing. We need to learn how to relax, even in the midst of our daily activities. Prioritise the things that you need to do. If you do things systematically, one at a time, you will feel less stressed and get things done quickly. It’s when we try to do several things at once that we put ourselves under great pressure — this struggle which makes relaxation impossible. Don’t make life hard for yourself. Do one thing at a time and enjoy doing it. When you’ve completed your necessary work, then you have the reward of pleasing yourself without a guilty conscience.
5. Do Not Depend on the Opinions of Others – How much do you depend on the opinion of others? When we worry what people may think or say, we place a burden on our mind. Subconsciously we work towards trying to please others. However, when we have this state of mind it becomes impossible to relax. No matter what we do or say, there will always be someone who manages to criticise or find fault. Therefore, we should develop an attitude of detachment to both praise and criticism.
This doesn’t mean we’re indifferent to the views of others; it just means we won’t allow ourselves to lose our inner peace because of their opinions. This piece of advice isn’t easy to implement but over time we can gradually give less importance to the views of others. Relaxation can only occur if we aren’t constantly thinking about what others are saying and doing.
6. Time to Yourself – Don’t allow yourself to always be at the beck and call of work and other people — make time for yourself. If you are harassed by constant email and phone enquiries, take evasive action. Only take calls and answer emails at certain times of the day. It’s unlikely that your availability, 24 hours a day, is indispensable. When we allow pressures to build up, relaxation becomes very difficult. But, if you really try hard, you should be able to reduce the demands placed on your time and energy.
7. A change is as good as a rest – Life should not be a constantly repeating soap opera. If you find yourself stuck in the same routine, do something completely different. For example, if you spend all your evenings watching rubbish on TV or surfing the internet, you will not get a feeling of real relaxation. Go for a walk or do some sporting activity. The change of scene and activity will help you relax and get away from the monotony and frustration of daily activity.
Relaxation is as simple as gentle Breathing
If you feel stressed take a few moments out. Just watch and be aware of your breathing. Breathe naturally and gently; this will have a very powerful, calming influence on your mind. When you breathe in, feel that you are breathing in inner peace. When you breathe out, feel you are exhaling all your anxieties and worries. Relaxation can be this simple – it doesn’t have to be complicated at all.
Tejvan Pettinger is a member of the Sri Chinmoy Meditation Centre. He lives in Oxford where he works as a teacher. He also offers mediation classes as a community service and updates a blog at Sri Chinmoy Inspiration a collection of articles on meditation and self improvement.

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Brain & Body Fitness

There are many ways to nurture your physical and mental health—and supercharge your body, mind, and soul in the process.
Taking care of your body is a powerful first step towards mental and emotional health. The mind and the body are linked. When you improve your physical health, you’ll automatically experience greater mental health. Similarly, as you exercise your mind and spend time connecting with others, you’ll experience a huge emotional boost.
Enjoying the affection of a pet, enjoying a walk outdoors, volunteering your time, spending time with friends, and laughing out loud are just some of the many things you can do to gain strength, both inside and out.

Improving Emotional Health


People who are emotionally healthy are in control of their emotions and their behavior. They are able to handle life’s challenges, build strong relationships, and recover from setbacks. But just as it requires effort to build or maintain physical health, so it is with mental and emotional health. Improving your emotional health can be a rewarding experience, benefiting all aspects of your life, including boosting your mood, building resilience, and adding to your overall enjoyment of life.

What is mental health or emotional health?
Mental or emotional health refers to your overall psychological well-being. It includes the way you feel about yourself, the quality of your relationships, and your ability to manage your feelings and deal with difficulties.
Good mental health isn't just the absence of mental health problems. Being mentally or emotionally healthy is much more than being free of depression, anxiety, or other psychological issues. Rather than the absence of mental illness, mental and emotional health refers to the presence of positive characteristics. Similarly, not feeling bad is not the same as feeling good. While some people may not have negative feelings, they still need to do things that make them feel positive in order to achieve mental and emotional health.
People who are mentally and emotionally healthy have:
A sense of contentment.
A zest for living and the ability to laugh and have fun.
The ability to deal with stress and bounce back from adversity.
A sense of meaning and purpose, in both their activities and their relationships.
The flexibility to learn new things and adapt to change.
A balance between work and play, rest and activity, etc.
The ability to build and maintain fulfilling relationships.
Self-confidence and high self-esteem.
These positive characteristics of mental and emotional health allow you to participate in life to the fullest extent possible through productive, meaningful activities and strong relationships. These positive characteristics also help you cope when faced with life's challenges and stresses.
The role of resilience in mental and emotional health
Being emotionally and mentally healthy doesn’t mean never going through bad times or experiencing emotional problems. We all go through disappointments, loss, and change. And while these are normal parts of life, they can still cause sadness, anxiety, and stress.
The difference is that people with good emotional health have an ability to bounce back from adversity, trauma, and stress. This ability is calledresilience. People who are emotionally and mentally healthy have the tools for coping with difficult situations and maintaining a positive outlook. They remain focused, flexible, and creative in bad times as well as good.
One of the key factors in resilience is the ability to balance stress and your emotions. The capacity to recognize your emotions and express them appropriately helps you avoid getting stuck in depression, anxiety, or other negative mood states. Another key factor is having a strong support network. Having trusted people you can turn to for encouragement and support will boost your resilience in tough times.
Physical health is connected to mental and emotional health
Taking care of your body is a powerful first step towards mental and emotional health. The mind and the body are linked. When you improve your physical health, you’ll automatically experience greater mental and emotional well-being. For example, exercise not only strengthens our heart and lungs, but also releases endorphins, powerful chemicals that energize us and lift our mood.
The activities you engage in and the daily choices you make affect the way you feel physically and emotionally.
Get enough rest. To have good mental and emotional health, it’s important to take care of your body. That includes getting enough sleep. Most people need seven to eight hours of sleep each night in order to function optimally.
Learn about good nutrition and practice it. The subject of nutrition is complicated and not always easy to put into practice. But the more you learn about what you eat and how it affects your energy and mood, the better you can feel.
Exercise to relieve stress and lift your mood. Exercise is a powerful antidote to stress, anxiety, and depression. Look for small ways to add activity to your day, like taking the stairs instead of the elevator or going on a short walk. To get the most mental health benefits, aim for 30 minutes or more of exercise per day.
Get a dose of sunlight every day. Sunlight lifts your mood, so try to get at least 10 to 15 minutes of sun per day. This can be done while exercising, gardening, or socializing.
Limit alcohol and avoid cigarettes and other drugs. These are stimulants that may unnaturally make you feel good in the short term, but have long-term negative consequences for mood and emotional health.

Improve mental and emotional health by taking care of yourself
In order to maintain and strengthen your mental and emotional health, it’s important to pay attention to your own needs and feelings. Don’t let stress and negative emotions build up. Try to maintain a balance between your daily responsibilities and the things you enjoy. If you take care of yourself, you’ll be better prepared to deal with challenges if and when they arise.
Taking care of yourself includes pursuing activities that naturally release endorphins and contribute to feeling good. In addition to physical exercise, endorphins are also naturally released when we:
Do things that positively impact others. Being useful to others and being valued for what you do can help build self-esteem.
Practice self-discipline. Self-control naturally leads to a sense of hopefulness and can help you overcome despair, helplessness, and other negative thoughts.
Learn or discover new things. Think of it as “intellectual candy”. Try taking an adult education class, join a book club, visit a museum, learn a new language, or simply travel somewhere new.
Enjoy the beauty of nature or art. Studies show that simply walking through a garden can lower blood pressure and reduce stress. The same goes for strolling through a park or an art gallery, hiking, admiring architecture, or sitting on a beach.
Manage your stress levels. Stress takes a heavy toll on mental and emotional health, so it’s important to keep it under control. While not all stressors can be avoided, stress management strategies can help you bring things back into balance.
Limit unhealthy mental habits like worrying. Try to avoid becoming absorbed by repetitive mental habits – negative thoughts about yourself and the world that suck up time, drain your energy, and trigger feelings of anxiety, fear, and depression.
More tips and strategies for taking care of yourself:
Appeal to your senses. Stay calm and energized by appealing to the five senses: sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste. Listen to music that lifts your mood, place flowers where you will see and smell them, massage your hands and feet, or sip a warm drink.
Engage in meaningful, creative work. Do things that challenge your creativity and make you feel productive, whether or not you get paid for it – things like gardening, drawing, writing, playing an instrument, or building something in your workshop.
Get a pet. Yes, pets are a responsibility, but caring for one makes you feel needed and loved. There is no love quite as unconditional as the love a pet can give. Animals can also get you out of the house for exercise and expose you to new people and places.
Make leisure time a priority. Do things for no other reason than that it feels good to do them. Go to a funny movie, take a walk on the beach, listen to music, read a good book, or talk to a friend. Doing things just because they are fun is no indulgence. Play is an emotional and mental health necessity.
Make time for contemplation and appreciation. Think about the things you’re grateful for.Mediate, pray, enjoy the sunset, or simply take a moment to pay attention to what is good, positive, and beautiful as you go about your day.
Everyone is different; not all things will be equally beneficial to all people. Some people feel better relaxing and slowing down while others need more activity and more excitement or stimulation to feel better. The important thing is to find activities that you enjoy and that give you a boost.
Supportive relationships: The foundation of emotional health
No matter how much time you devote to improving your mental and emotional health, you will still need the company of others to feel and be your best. Humans are social creatures with an emotional need for relationships and positive connections to others. We’re not meant to survive, let alone thrive, in isolation. Our social brains crave companionship—even when experience has made us shy and distrustful of others.
Social interaction—specifically talking to someone else about your problems—can also help to reduce stress. The key is to find a supportive relationship with someone who is a “good listener”—someone you can talk to regularly, preferably face-to-face, who will listen to you without a pre-existing agenda for how you should think or feel. A good listener will listen to the feelings behind your words, and won’t interrupt or judge or criticize you. The best way to find a good listener? Be a good listener yourself. Develop a friendship with someone you can talk to regularly, and then listen and support each other.
Tips and strategies for connecting to others:
Get out from behind your TV or computer screen. Screens have their place but they will never have the same effect as an expression of interest or a reassuring touch. Communication is a largely nonverbal experience that requires you to be in direct contact with other people, so don’t neglect your real-world relationships in favor of virtual interaction.
Spend time daily, face-to-face, with people you like. Make spending time with people you enjoy a priority. Choose friends, neighbors, colleagues, and family members who are upbeat, positive, and interested in you. Take time to inquire about people you meet during the day that you like.
Volunteer. Doing something that helps others has a beneficial effect on how you feel about yourself. The meaning and purpose you find in helping others will enrich and expand your life. There is no limit to the individual and group volunteer opportunities you can explore. Schools, churches, nonprofits, and charitable organization of all sorts depend on volunteers for their survival.
Be a joiner. Join networking, social action, conservation, and special interest groups that meet on a regular basis. These groups offer wonderful opportunities for finding people with common interests – people you like being with who are potential friends.
Risk factors for mental and emotional problems
Your mental and emotional health has been and will continue to be shaped by your experiences. Early childhood experiences are especially significant. Genetic and biological factors can also play a role, but these too can be changed by experience.
Risk factors that can compromise mental and emotional health:
Poor connection or attachment to your primary caretaker early in life. Feeling lonely, isolated, unsafe, confused, or abused as an infant or young child.
Traumas or serious losses, especially early in life.  Death of a parent or other traumatic experiences such as war or hospitalization.
Learned helplessness. Negative experiences that lead to a belief that you’re helpless and that you have little control over the situations in your life.
Illness, especially when it’s chronic, disabling, or isolates you from others.
Side effects of medications, especially in older people who may be taking a variety of medications.
Substance abuse. Alcohol and drug abuse can both cause mental health problems and make preexisting mental or emotional problems worse.
Whatever internal or external factors have shaped your mental and emotional health, it’s never too late to make changes that will improve your psychological well-being. Risk factors can be counteracted with protective factors, like strong relationships, a healthy lifestyle, and coping strategies for managing stress and negative emotions.
When to seek professional help for emotional problems
If you’ve made consistent efforts to improve your mental and emotional health and you still don’t feel good – then it’s time to seek professional help. Because we are so socially attuned, input from a knowledgeable, caring professional can motivate us to do things for ourselves that we were not able to do on our own.

Easy Exercise Tips


Of all the different ways to improve your physical and mental health, exercise is one of the easiest and safest methods. It is also one of the most effective. Even a little regular exercise can help ease depression, boost energy and mood, and relieve stress. But you don't have to be a fitness fanatic to reap the benefits. No matter your age, health limitations, or fitness levels, there are enjoyable ways to use physical activity to feel better every day.
The life-changing benefits of exercise
 Exercise is not just about aerobic capacity and muscle size. Sure, exercise improves your health and your physique, but it has even greater benefits for your energy, mood, and brainpower. A study in the ACSM Journal of Health & Fitness asked long-term exercisers (those who had been regularly exercising for an average of 13 years) what motivated them to continue exercising. Rather than being motivated by building muscle or flattening their stomachs, for example, most exercisers cited the feelings of well-being they derived from exercise, along with increased pep and energy, and how exercise helped them sleep better and made them more relaxed.
The important thing to remember is that these benefits can be achieved without spending hours pumping weights in a gym or pounding on a treadmill. Regular mild to moderate exercise can improve your life by:
Easing stress and anxiety. A twenty-minute bike ride won’t sweep away life’s troubles, but exercising regularly helps you take charge of anxiety and reduce stress. Aerobic exercise releases hormones that relieve stress and promote a sense of well-being.
Lifting your mood. Exercise can treat mild to moderate depression as effectively as antidepressant medication. Exercise also releases endorphins, powerful chemicals in your brain that energizes your spirits and makes you feel good.
Sharpening brainpower. The same endorphins that make you feel better also help you concentrate and feel mentally sharp for tasks at hand. Exercise also stimulates the growth of new brain cells and helps prevent age-related decline.
Improving self-esteem. Regular activity is an investment in your mind, body, and soul. When it becomes habit, it can foster your sense of self-worth and make you feel strong and powerful.
Boosting energy.  Increasing your heart rate several times a week will give you more get-up-and-go. Start off with just a few minutes of exercise a day, and increase your workout as you feel more energized.
Obstacles to exercise: What’s holding you back?
Despite all the life-changing benefits, many of us still think of exercise as a chore, either something that we don’t have time for, or something that’s only suitable for the young or the athletic.
There are many commonly-held myths about exercise that make it seem more arduous and painful than it has to be. Overcoming obstacles to exercise starts with separating fact from fiction.
Why we don’t exercise
“I don’t have enough time to exercise.”
Even short low-impact intervals of exercise can act as a powerful tool to supercharge your health. If you have time for a 15-minute walk with the dog, your body will thank you in many ways.
“Exercise is too difficult and painful.”
Consider “no pain, no gain” the old fashioned way of thinking about exercise. Exercise doesn’t have to hurt to be incredibly effective. You don’t have to push yourself to the limit to get results. You can build your strength and fitness by walking, swimming, even playing golf or cleaning the house.
“I’m too tired to exercise.”
Regular exercise is a powerful pick-me-up that can significantly reduce fatigue and make you feel much more energetic. If you’re feeling tired, try taking a brisk walk or dancing to your favorite music and see how much better you feel afterwards.
“I’m too old to start exercising,” “I'm too fat,” or “My health isn’t good enough.”
It’s never too late to start building your strength and physical fitness, even if you’re a senior or a self-confessed couch potato who has never exercised before. And exercise is a proven treatment for many diseases—from diabetes to arthritis. Very few health or weight problems make exercise out of the question, so talk to your doctor about a safe routine for you.
“I’m not athletic.”
Do you hide your head when the tennis ball approaches? Are you stumped at the difference between a foul ball and a free throw? Join the ranks. Don’t worry if you’re not sporty or ultra-coordinated. Instead, find an activity like walking, jogging, or yoga that makes you feel good to be in your body.
“Exercise is boring.”
Sure, pounding on a treadmill for an hour may not be everyone’s idea of a good time. But not all exercise has to be boring; just about everyone can find a physical activity they enjoy. Try playing ping-pong (table tennis) or activity-based video games with your kids. So-called “exergames” that are played standing up and moving around—simulating dancing, skateboarding, soccer, or tennis, for example—can burn at least as many calories as walking on a treadmill; some substantially more. Once you build up your confidence, try getting away from the TV screen and playing the real thing outside.
Reaping the benefits of exercise is easier than you think
To reap the benefits of exercise, you don’t need to devote hours out your busy day, train at the gym, sweat buckets, or run mile after monotonous mile. You can reap all the physical and mental health benefits of exercise with 30-minutes of moderate exercise five times a week. Two 15-minute exercise sessions can also work just as well.
If that still seems intimidating, don’t despair. Even just a few minutes of physical activity are better than none at all. If you don’t have time for 15 or 30 minutes of exercise, or if your body tells you to take a break after 5 or 10 minutes, for example, that’s okay, too. Start with 5- or 10-minute sessions and slowly increase your time. The more you exercise, the more energy you’ll have, so eventually you’ll feel ready for a little more.  The key is to commit to do some moderate physical activity—however little—on most days. As exercising becomes habit, you can slowly add extra minutes or try different types of activities. If you keep at it, the benefits of exercise will begin to pay off.
Moderate exercise means two things:
That you breathe a little heavier than normal, but are not out of breath. For example, you should be able to chat with your walking partner, but not easily sing a song.
That your body feels warmer as you move, but not overheated or very sweaty.
Do I need different types of exercise?
While any kind of exercise offers tremendous health benefits, different types of exercise focus more on certain aspects of your health. You can concentrate on one type of exercise or mix them up to add variety to your workouts and broaden the health benefits.
Aerobic activities like running, cycling, and swimming strengthen your heart and increase your endurance.
Strength training like weight lifting or resistance training builds muscle and bone mass, improves balance and prevents falls. It’s one of the best counters to frailty in old age.
Flexibility exercises like stretching and yoga help prevent injury, enhance range of motion, reduce stiffness, and limit aches and pains.
Easy exercise tip
1: Move more in your daily life
Even if you don’t have a 15 or 30 minute window to dedicate to yoga or a bike ride, that doesn’t mean you can’t add physical activity to your day. If you're not ready to commit to a structured exercise program, think about physical activity as a lifestyle choice rather than a single task to check off your to-do list. Look at your daily routine and consider ways to sneak in activity here and there. Even very small activities can add up over the course of a day.
In and around your home. Clean the house, wash the car, tend to the yard and garden, mow the lawn with a push mower, sweep the sidewalk or patio with a broom.
At work and on the go. Look for ways to walk or cycle more. For example, bike or walk to an appointment rather than drive, banish all elevators and use the stairs, briskly walk to the bus stop then get off one stop early, park at the back of the lot and walk into the store or office, take a vigorous walk during your coffee break. Walk while you’re talking on your cell phone.
With friends or family. Walk or jog around the soccer field during your kid’s practice, make a neighborhood bike ride part of weekend routine, play tag with your children in the yard or play exercise video games. Walk the dog together as a family, or if you don’t have your own dog, volunteer to walk a dog from a shelter. Organize an office bowling team, take a class in martial arts, dance, or yoga with a friend or spouse.
While watching TV. Gently stretch while watching your favorite show, do push-ups, sit-ups or lift light weights during the commercial breaks—you'll be amazed at how many repetitions you can fit in during the commercials of a half hour show! Better still, once a week turn off the TV and take a walk outside instead.
Easy exercise tip
2: Start slowly—a little is better than nothing
When we decide to begin exercising, many of us will rush out and join a gym or buy costly exercise equipment with a vow to working out every day. We may go to the gym once or twice, use the equipment a couple of times and then quickly lose motivation. The gym membership gathers dust and the exercise equipment is confined to the back of a closet.
Exercise doesn’t need to be such an all or nothing commitment. If you haven’t exercised before or you’ve tried an exercise program in the past and been unable to stick with it, it’s important not to set unrealistic goals. Committing to exercise for an hour a day in a gym may be too challenging at first, whereas committing to 10 minutes just three or four times a week is more manageable. Once these short windows of activity become a habit and you start experiencing the benefits, it’s easier to progress to the next level.
Tips for getting started in an exercise program
Take it slow.  Start with an activity you feel comfortable doing, go at your own pace, and keep your expectations realistic. For example, training for a marathon when you’ve never run before may be a bit daunting, but you could give yourself the goal of participating in an upcoming 5k walk for charity.
Focus on short-term goals, such as improving your mood and energy levels and reducing stress, rather than goals such as weight loss or increased muscle size, as these can take longer to achieve.
Make exercise a priority. It’s one of the best things you can do for your physical and mental health and by making exercise a priority in your life, you’ll be more likely to stick with it over the long-term. If you have trouble fitting exercise into your schedule, consider it an important appointment with yourself and mark it on your daily agenda. Commit to an exercise schedule for at least 3 or 4 weeks so that it becomes habit, and force yourself to stick with it. Even the busiest amongst us can find a 10-minute slot to pace up and down an office staircase or take the dog for a walk.
Go easy on yourself. Do you feel bad about your body? Instead of being your own worst critic, try a new way of thinking about your body. No matter what your weight, age, or fitness level, there are others like you with the same goal of exercising more. Try surrounding yourself with people in your shoes. Take a class with others of a similar fitness level. Set easy goals for yourself to start with. Accomplishing even the smallest fitness goals will help you gain body confidence.
Expect ups and downs. Don’t be discouraged if you skip a few days or even a few weeks. It happens. Just get started again and slowly build up to your old momentum.
Safety tips for beginning exercisers
If you’ve never exercised before, or it’s been a significant amount of time since you’ve attempted any strenuous physical activity, keep in mind the following general health precautions:
Get medical clearance. If you have special health issues such as an existing heart condition or high blood pressure, talk with your doctor or health practitioner and let him or her know your plans.
Stretch. No matter what form of exercise you choose, you’ll benefit from adding stretching exercises to gain flexibility and range of motion. Stretching to warm up and cool down is the best form of injury-prevention for new exercisers.
Drink plenty of water. Your body performs best when it’s properly hydrated. Failing to drink enough water when you are exerting yourself over a prolonged period of time, especially in hot conditions, can be dangerous.
Easy exercise tip
3: Make exercise fun
You are more likely to exercise if you find enjoyable, convenient activities. Give some thought to your likes and dislikes, and remember that preferences can change over time.
Pair an activity you enjoy with your exercise
There are numerous activities that qualify as exercise. The trick is to find something you enjoy that forces you to be active. Pairing exercise with another activity makes it easier and more fun. Simple examples include:
Take a dance or yoga class.
Blast some favorite music and dance with your kids.
Make a deal with yourself to watch your favorite TV shows while on the treadmill or stationary bike.
Workout with a buddy, and afterwards enjoy coffee or a movie.
Enjoy outdoor activities such as golf, playing Frisbee, or even yard work or gardening.
Make exercise a social activity
Exercise can be a fun time to socialize with friends and working out with others can help keep you motivated. For those who enjoy company but dislike competition, a running club, water aerobics, or dance class may be the perfect thing. Others may find that a little healthy competition keeps the workout fun and exciting. You might seek out tennis partners, join an adult soccer league, find a regular pickup basketball game, or join a volleyball team.
For many, a workout partner can be a great motivator. For example, if you won’t get out of bed to swim yourself, but you would never cancel on a friend, find a swim buddy.
Easy exercise tip
4: Stay motivated
Making lifestyle and behavior changes is not easy. It takes time and effort and you’ll likely suffer some setbacks along the way.  But over time, as you continue to exercise, you’ll start to reap the physical and mental health benefits and improve your physical performance. You’ll be able to exercise longer and harder and have the confidence to try new activities.
Of course, no matter how much you enjoy an exercise routine, you may find that you eventually lose interest in it. That’s the time to shake things up and try something new, add other activities to your exercise program, or alter the way you pursue the exercises that have worked so far.
Set yourself goals and rewards
Rewarding yourself for reaching an exercise goal is one of the best ways to stay motivated. Set an achievable goal regarding your participation and effort, not necessarily how much weight you can lift, miles you can bike, or pounds you can lose lost. If you stumble in your efforts, regroup and begin again. Reward yourself when you reach your goals—a new pair of shoes, a dinner out, whatever works to motivate you.
Other ways to keep your exercise program going
Be consistent. Make your workouts habitual by exercising at the same time every day, if possible. Eventually you will get to the point where you feel worse if you don’t exercise. That dull, sluggish feeling fitness buffs get when they don’t work out is a strong incentive to get up and go.
Record your progress. Try keeping an exercise journal of your workouts. In a matter of months, it will be fun to look back at where you began. Keeping a log also holds you accountable to your routine.
Keep it interesting. Think of your exercise session as time to yourself. Enjoy that time by listening to music, chatting with friends, and varying locations. Exercise around natural beauty, new neighborhoods, and special parks. Above all, avoid workout boredom by mixing it up and trying new routines.
Spread the word. Talking to others about your fitness routines will help keep motivation strong and hold you accountable to your exercise program. You’ll be delighted and inspired hearing ways your friends and colleagues stay active and on track. Who knows, you might even convince someone else to try to be more active.
Get inspired. Read a health and fitness magazine or visit an exercise website and get inspired with photos of people being active. Sometimes reading about and looking at images of people who are healthy and fit can motivate you to move your body.

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