Saturday 20 October 2012

Suffers When Acne

Perhaps the worst damage done to its victims by
acne is the great harm it does to their self esteem.
Considering that 80% of the population between the age
of 12 and 24 years old will be afflicted by acne to one
degree or another, acne is a very serious and widespread
concern. For many people, acne problems can continue all
throughout their life well into adulthood, even though they
were told as teens that they would “outgrow” it.
Did you suffer with acne as a teen? Perhaps you still
suffer with it as an adult. Looking back on your high school
or even college years, would you have felt better about yourself
and life in general if you had not
had acne? Virtually all of us

would answer, YES! Perhaps
you would have had the
courage to get a date with
that “special” person.
Perhaps you would have felt
and done better on some of
those early job interviews. A
clear complexion might have
created a stronger self image and a higher sense of self
confidence. Would this have allowed you to early on set your
goals in life significantly higher? It would have for me!

Acne is defined simply as “an inflammatory skin
disorder”. The pimples, the redness, the infections, are all
visible signs of skin that is inflamed or highly irritated.
Within every hair follicle is a tiny pit with a group
of cells that are called a sebaceous gland. This gland produces
an oil known as sebum, and its purpose is to oil the hair
shaft and to spread out over the top of the skin, sealing in
the moisture of the skin so that it stays healthy, soft, supple,
youthful and wrinkle free. (see illustration #1)
This process works quite well as long as the
sebaceous glands get all of the nutrients they need to
produce a high quality oil. However, at puberty the process
of sexual maturation occurs. This process is absolutely
essential for the continuation of life and our species, and
thus the sex glands get first call on the nutrients extracted
from the diet. If the diet is not adequate to supply nutrition
for both the skin and these essential sexual maturation
processes, the skin becomes short changed and acne is
almost guaranteed to occur.
Here is why! The hormones of sex are made from the
same basic nutrients as is the oil made by the sebaceous
glands. When there are not enough of these nutrients to do
both, the production of sex hormones hogs all the nutrients
and the skin begins to suffer as the result of a poor quality
of oil being produced by the nutrient deficient sebaceous
glands.All “simple” carbohydrate food is quickly converted to
glucose which floods into the blood
within minutes after it has been
eaten or drank. All of this glucose
in the blood is very dangerous as it
will soon crowd out the oxygen and
our brain will go into a coma. So
the pancreas produces a
special hormone to get rid
of all this glucose and shove
it into the cells of the
organs, muscles and skin.
This hormone is called

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