Sunday 30 September 2012

How to Gain Weight for Boys

Are you cursed like the some of us with a fast metabolism and no matter how much you want to, you cannot gain weight? Well, if your answer is yes, then you are sailing in the same boat as thousands of boys who constantly face criticism for being excessively thin.

Weight Gain Tips for Teenage Boys

Eat like Hulk

No one can gain weight by eating a little. Therefore, you have to eat more. However, eating more does not mean you stock up on fatty and oily food that will only make you feel sluggish and will at best give you a paunch. The trick lies in eating super-healthy high calorie foods that are powered with carbohydrates, protein and healthy fat.
Food items rich in carbohydrates: Rice, pasta, breads, potatoes, beans, yams, fruits, vegetables, oatmeal.
Foods items rich in proteins: Chicken, steaks, lean beef, eggs, salmon, milk and cottage cheese.
Food items rich in healthy fat: Olive oil, avocados, nuts, peanut butter and flax oil.

Eat on time

If you need to gain weight fast, your eating schedule has to be overhauled.
Eat every 2 to 3 hours. Moreover, start eating 15 minutes after you wake up and make sure you are not just eating a bowl of cornflakes.
Have a big breakfast. Eat paranthas with yoghurt, fruits, a glass of milk or even a big cheese and egg sandwich. However, in this eating frenzy, don’t forget to keep yourself hydrated. Drink water too!

Eat big

A small plate, bowl and glass are meant for small eaters. Now that you have decided to make the move from being the skinny boy to the bulky dude, we say change your crockery.
Bigger plates mean bigger portions. More portions mean more food and more food means weight gain!
Along with that, make sure that you load up your refrigerator with healthy food. Keep fresh fruits, some processed meat, milk and juices. Hog when you like!

Incorporate health drinks

Along with food you need health drinks such as protein shakes to build muscle mass while working out.
Drink protein shakes at least twice a day and also chomp on protein biscuits. There are enough varieties available at health food stores to keep your enthusiasm and appetite going!

Track your calories

In order to successfully gain weight fast, you need to eat at least your weight into 20 kcals. Therefore, include calorie dense foods into your diet.
A 100 gm of peanut, for example has more than 500 kcal and 100 gm white pasta is 380 kcal.
Workout basics

Never exercise on an empty stomach because it will hamper the process of weight gain. Have a protein shake and some fruits before hitting the gym. Also make sure that your trainer knows you are there to build muscle mass and not lose weight. Follow these basic rules to gain muscle mass easily:
Free weights are the best way to gain muscle mass. Start with lighter weights and then keep adding the weight as your resistance increases.
Squats are another important exercise for boys trying to gain weight.
Dead lifts, bench press, overhead lifts, pull-ups and dips are other exercises that can help you gain weight and muscle mass.
Remember that muscles grow when the body is resting. Therefore, do not exercise everyday.

The most important thing to remember about gaining weight fast is to track your progress in order to keep yourself motivated. Take pictures to know the difference and/or keep a journal to write about you are going through in the process. A positive outlook about gaining weight will reap results!

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