Sunday 30 September 2012

How to get rid of oily skin naturally

Many women and men nowadays experiences problems with oily skin and want to know how to get rid of oily skin naturally and fast. Oily skin becomes a very frustrating issue when it causes acne,  blackheads, blemishes, zits, and other skin problems.
First of all, we should know that causes of oily skin are: hereditary problems and secretion of sebum in excess quantities by oil glands. We can’t eliminate the first cause, but we can handle with the second cause using few simple skin care tips and skin treatments.
Remove excess quantities of sebum

To get rid of oily skin we have to minimize the amount of unnecessary sebum on our skin. Sebum is natural moisturizer and it help to protect our skin from aggressive environmental factors:  high or low humidity, extreme temperature, sand and dust. Oil glands produce it regularly and the only thing you should do is to remove excess quantities of sebum twice a day: in the morning and before going to sleep.  Also you can wash your skin when you feel that it becomes too oily. But don’t do it too frequently, because it can causes extra sebum production. Use hot water to wash your face, because it removes oil much better than cold water. Avoid using soap or a creamy cleanser to wash your face. Soap can overdry your skin and make it flaky and oily cleanser will leave too much oil on your skin.

Simple washing routine

Every night before you go to bed, wash your face using simple and highly effective technique: wash it with hot water, then wash your face with cold water. Repeat it 5-7 times. It will boost blood circulation and clear pores deeply.

After washing your face perform a face massage. Massaging forehead, cheeks, chin, nose, temples will open pores. Then, wash your face again to clean opened pores.

Control your nutrition to get rid of oily skin

Further, in order to control production of oil by your skin’s pores, and to get rid of oily skin you should control your nutrition. Our body use fats from food to produce skin oil and hormones. Different hormone levels can boost or reduce production of oil. Try to add more vegetables and remove fatty foods from your ration. Visit endocrinologist and dermatologist. They can consult you about proper nutrition. To keep proper level of hormones you should try not to worry, reduce the level of stress and anxiety. Stress and cause rapid change of hormones level and boost production of skin oil. Also you should maintain the level of water in your body. Drink 2 liters of fresh water everyday to keep your metabolism on good level. It will help you to get rid of oily skin naturally.

Use water-based skin care products

The next tip to get rid of oily skin is to use water-based skin care products. They don’t contain oil, that’s why they are suitable for you if you have oily skin. Also avoid using alcohol-base toners. Alcohol cleans skin very good, but it almost always overdry it. Find right oily skin cleanser and moisturizer for oily skin. Also you can try to use skincare products based on glycolic acid. Glycolic acid is used as a natural skin exfoliant and moisturizer. It’s natural skin care product.

In conclusion I want to say, that there are different types of skin and there is no predetermined condition of skin. It can changes affected by different inner or external factors. Oily skin treatment is not so difficult as you cat think. Use recommendations you’ve found in this article and you will help your body to tune in the production on skin oil and get rid of oily skin naturally.

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