Sunday 3 March 2013

Sign and Symptoms of Anxity

Anxiety is a kind of mental state when you starts thinking of unpleasant, uneasiness or concern about some vague incident; an uncomfortable or difficult aspiration for something.
It is a state of restlessness and agitation, frequently go with a distressing sense of oppression or tightness in the stomach. Though it is quite normal to be tense or worried under pressure or facing a stressful situation, as anxiety is the normal response of the body for any kind of danger, it is an automatic apprehension, which turns off when we experience something strange or threatened.

Anxiety is not a bed thing always as it can help us to stay aware and focus but when anxiety is invariable or overpowering and when it interferes with your relationships and daily activities, it turns into the territory of anxiety disorders from normal anxiety.

Symptoms of Anxiety: Anxiety changes our whole life. It affects how we feel, how we behave and has very real physical symptoms. It feels a bit like fear but whereas we know what we are frightened of, we often do not know what we are anxious about.

Mild anxiety is vague and unsettling: Severe anxiety can be extremely debilitating. Here are some signs of anxity:

1. Diarrhoea
2. Backache
3. Nausea
4. Heart palpitations
5. Sweating/Flushing
6. Feelings of apprehension or dread
7. Trouble concentrating
8. Feeling tense and jumpy
9. Anticipating the worst
10. Irritability
11. Restlessness
12. Watching for signs of danger
13. Feeling like your minds gone blank
14. Pounding heart
15. Stomach upset or dizziness
16. Shortness of breath
17. Tremors and twitches
18. Muscle tension
19. Headaches
20. Fatigue
21. Insomnia

Friday 1 March 2013

Types of allergies:

For different people allergies may be of different types. Here are some examples of different types of allergies:

1. Hay fever (allergic rhinitis): It is an allergy, which results in irritation or inflammation of the delicate linings of the nose or sometimes eyes also. Most hay fever is seasonal and symptoms tend to occur when pollen or other airborne particles are at high levels. People who develop hay fever are allergic too. It is very easy to recognize:
1. Mold Spores
2. Dust Particles
3. Pollens
4. Grasses
5. Pet Dander 
Sometimes it is seen that hay fever tends to be passed on through families. If you have allergies in your family, there is an increased chance you will also get hay fever.

2. Dust Mite Allergy: It is an allergic reaction to a microscopic organism that lives in the dust that is found in most buildings and houses. Dust mites are a common cause of perennial allergic rhinitis. Sometimes dust mite allergy usually produces symptoms similar to pollen allergy and also can produce symptoms of asthma.

3. Mold Allergy: It is most commonly seen during summer months. A mold allergy is simply an allergic reaction to common household molds. The Toxic Black Mold Information Center includes tips for finding, cleaning, and preventing indoor mold problems.

4. Asthma: Irritation of the lungs and airways maybe due to inhaled allergens or sensitivity to odors or chemicals. The allergic reactions can activate asthma symptoms. The effects of asthma are generally temporary and include: shortness of breath, breathing troubles, or other allergy symptoms.

5. Allergic Eczema: Allergic Eczema or Atopic Dermatitis is an allergic rash that is more often than not caused by skin contact with an allergen. This condition is generally related with allergic rhinitis or asthma and features the subsequent signs:

1. It can be find out by itching, redness, and or dryness of the skin.
2. You can see rash on the face, especially children.
3. There may be rash around the eyes, in the elbow creases, and behind the knees, especially in adults.
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Tips for perfect Ears. How to maintain good ears?

Mainly, our ear is divided into the outer ear, middle ear and inner ear. The outer and middle ears maintain optimal conditions essential for the hearing process and to direct the sound stimuli to the actual sensory receptors located in the inner ear. Damage to any part of the ear can lead to hearing disorders, hearing loss or other health complications like vertigo.Hearing loss may also be caused by a birth defect, an injury, or a disease. Proper care of the ears is critical to keeping this complex sensory organ in sound health as long as we live.

Here are some simple tips to keep your ear in a well condition:
Always keep your ears clean.
Take precautions against exposure to loud noises.
Keep avoiding bathing/swimming in unhygienic waters.
Attend to symptoms and seek expert opinion immediately.
Avoid drugs that can damage hearing.
Do not try to medicate yourself.
Ensure residual water is allowed out after bath or swim.
Do not attempt to remove any foreign objects from the ear without a doctor's assistance.
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How to Improve Your Eye Sights

Eyesight is the one of the fundamental functions of our body so it is most important to improve it especially for those people who have vision problem. To maintain our vision eye car is required. Most doctors recommend that eye-care can keep our eyes healthy. Many people still do not realize that stressful work environment and spending too much time in front of a computer can produce vision problems. To keep our eyes fit and clear there are several natural ways. Some of them are:

1. Eat healthy food. Healthy food for eyes means natural food, which contains a lot vitamin A. This natural food includes spinach, turnip, carrots and tomatoes.
2. Use potatoes and cucumbers to maintain our eyesight. When you get home and feel exhausted, you can put some rounded pieces of a raw cucumber or potato on closed eyes for 10 minutes. This will make your eyes fresher.
3. Never let your eyes dry. Try to avoid your eyes and their surrounding from being too dry. Always use natural eye-care cream around your eyes gently.
4. Drink more. Water releases toxin materials from our body including our eyes. You should drink water more often as this will keep your eyes healthy.
5. If you are not sure your eye-health you should see your doctor
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Easy Ways To Come Out From Depression:

1. Start your day by listening religious audio CD that permeates peace.
2. Always think positive. Say nice things to yourself.
3. Keep yourself away from cigarettes, alcohol or substance abuse.
4. Always pay attention to your feelings of sadness, anxiety and irritability.
5. Enjoy your free time. Join a laughter club or invest in a CD of a comedy TV series.
6. If you are suffering with headache have a solution for that first: a warm oil massage can do wonders it that.
7. Have a comfortable bed for comfortable sleep. Sleep early, so you get enough sleep.
8. Have a cup of warm milk before going to bed. 9. Try some body massage, a pedicure, a manicure, a bath salt soak or a new outfit.
10. Have a balanced diet; avoid aerated drinks and junk foods.
11. Always try to be in touch with friends.
12. Exercise helps fight depression. So keep yourself busy in different exercise.
13. Another way to make you happy is dance. Join a dance class.
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How to Keep Your Mind Body and Sprit Fit

It is said that health is wealth & you can achieve anything if you are physically fit. It is totally true since only health people have hope and everything that they want.
Because of that fact above you need to stay healthy and if it is possible you should improve it. Due to today’s fast lifestyle people became careless about their health. Thats why the average life decreased significantly.
So it is better to start taking care of it before the time passed away. For that you don’t have to change too much in your daily lifestyle. Here are some simple tips to keep you fit and healthy:

1.Low Fat:
Keep your weight under control because fat always became the most dangerous factors caused people death. A number of diseases for example cholesterol, heart attack and high blood pressure are caused due to imbalance fat composition cause. Avoid those foods that contain heavy fat like dairy product, ex milk and cheese. Besides those avoid some fatty food, junk food and fries food and some potential food such as margarine, butter, nuts etc.

2.Daily Exercise:
Take some time from your busy schedule for exercise. It will help you to keep fit and fine. If you are too busy then try some simple exercises that can match with your taste and lifestyle. As the development of sports technology offers a lot of sports tools that suit with modern life style, from which you can organize some simple exercise while you are doing your business or after the office hour.

3.Avoid Smoking and Alcohol:
Drinking and smoking is a common lifestyle now a day. But it should be understood that you would get only heart attack or verdict disease with that. By doing that you not only decreases your health but also waist your money too. So it’s better to stay away from smoking and drinking.

4.Be Positive:
Keep your attitude positive towards life because a positive mental or thinking plays a very important role in keep you healthy. Your mental thoughts are strongly related with your health. So simply keep smiling because one smile can give you a lot of happiness and gives you a longer life.

5.Avoide Pollution:
Pollution is another very strong and unsolved problem today, which is not good for your health. Though you cannot run away from it but you can avoid it. Try to take a walk in the morning and avoid a high traffic and fumes areas when the air quality is low.
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Simple Tips to massage

For that one do not need to be a trained expert to give a full body massage to someone.

Here are some easy tips, which will make your body massage a marvelous experience:
1. Before giving your massage, prepare the room or area you will be working in.
2. You want the recipient to leave feeling relaxed, so work on creating a serene environment.
3. Keep the noise level down.
4. Turn off cell and house phones, televisions and noisy equipment.
5. You may want to play an instrumental CD or maybe a track of ocean sounds.
6. Check your lighting too. Turn off white fluorescent lights and more controlled lighting like lamps instead. Aromatic candles in therapeutic scents like vanilla can help set a calm mood.
7. Test the surface of your massage area before your guest arrives. You want it to be comfortable and easy to work around. Cover the area with fresh linens.
8. Have your towels and oils in a handy basket, ready for the massage.
9. During the massage you might be tempted to talk. If you are not a professional, you might be a little nervous.
10. You should ask occasionally about pressure pain. It is not a good massage if you hurt someone.
11. Start at the scalp area and work your way down the body.
12. Alternate between the kneading and raking techniques. Kneading is similar to the action you use to knead bread dough.
13. Raking is spreading your fingers wide and raking your fingertips over the surface of the skin. When giving your massage, do not push on the spine. Work around the spine instead.
14. When the massage is finished, let your guest or loved one remain still and enjoy some quiet, relaxing moments.
15. You might use a fresh hand towel to blot any excess oil from the skin.
16. Use a light touch and do not disturb your guest too much. Keep in mind that a full body massage can cause a persons muscles to contract.
17. Give your guests plenty of fresh water to stave off any leg cramps or body cramps that might occur after the massage is through.
18. If possible, rest or take a walk after a massage to allow some time to adjust to your new-relaxed state. I find this helps me get the most out of a massage.
19. Different types of oils can really affect a massage. If you have sensitivities to smells, be sure to ask for unscented oils or oils that agree with you.
20. Some oils have herbs like lavender. Others are said to have healing properties such as Emu oil. Depending on what works on you, you may request specific types of oils or bring your own.
21. If the massage is too light or too hard, ask to have the pressure changed. Some massages are only light but asking is appropriate. If you are uncomfortable say something.
22. Tell the practitioner where you hurt. This way the massage can focus on where you need it most.
23. Spending time during the massage being grateful can help one make huge changes.
24. Often breathing deeply can help you get the most out of a massage. Breathe into every cell of your body.
25. Combining either aromatherapy or flower essences can enable even more change if so desired.
26. Drink lots of water. This helps the body release toxins that you were able to release during the massage.
27. Plan to take the first 20 minutes after a massage lightly. For example, go on a short walk or sit quietly. This allows the massage to settle into the body.
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How To Keep Your Health Up

Today everyone is having very tough life, hactic lifestyle, job stress etc & even after we all wanna remain healthy. Isnt it?
So big question is without affeting our regular schedules, how we can keep ourself healthy?
Our modern lifestyle is very much stressful and it is causing bad impact on our health. There are things that we can do with just a few changes in our lives we can be much healthier and happier.
We reduce some of the stress, and more effectively resist various health issues. There are many people who have gotten some amazing results from changing their habits, diets, adding quality supplements, changing attitudes, and so on. One can simply improve his general health by make some change in his life.

Some Simple Tips To Improve General Health like: 1. Dehydration is a subtle problem that affects many of us so drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day, water cleans out toxins and helps the body function much better.
2. Increase the quantity of walk in your life. Walking regularly for some time will lead you to a healthy life.
3. Always think Positive to live longer life.
4. Allow yourself to de-stress at least once a day. Take some time to relax.
5. Keep your mind and body relaxed by sleeping 6-10 hours a night.
6. Wash your hand before you are going to eat anything and after using the restroom.
7. Enrich your diet with various supplements and fruits rich in vitamin and minerals.
8. Believe yourself as believe has great power in itself. It has found that people who have faith live longer.
9. Vegetables provide vitamins, minerals, and fiber and have capacity to improve your health so eat fresh vegetables everyday.
10. Drink water before, during and after exercise.
11. Increase fun in your life and get a health and long life.
12. Try to keep yourself smiling. Do some good deeds in your life to make you feel good.
13. Add a little more walking to your routine simply and increase it on a regular basis.
14. Every time try to learn something new.
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Importance of Food Supplement

In our basic health vitamin and minerals plays a very important role, which are found in all the food we use. Thought there are many ways to get them but the best way is to gain them naturally. To stay healthy and prevent diseases we need vitamins. The function of it in our body is to help control or regulate energy producing processes to keep us fit.

Importance of Food Supplement

1. Vitamins and minerals are very important for the growth our body.
2. Now a day they can be found in many forms like- from tablets, capsules, gel capsules, mix drinks, bars and many other.
3. Our body will never stop the requirement of vitamins and minerals as it stimulates the growth of our body tissues and muscles and it helps in maintaining our health and nutrition levels.
4. Taking nutritional supplements plays an important role in preventing diseases as well as supplying our body with anti-aging nutrition improving our body’s energy and strength.
5. One should be aware of the nutritional requirements for men and women, cause it totally differ by gender, and find out the right type of supplements that fits your requirements.
6.Women of 30 years and older should be more careful about taking supplements that helps stabilize the female hormones.
7. And for men, they need a supplement that benefits the prostate health.
8. Vitamins and minerals maintain the health of our brain, heart, immune systems, eyes, liver and many other part and organs of our body.
9. Visit your doctor or a nutrition expert to make sure that you will get the right supplements. It will be beneficial to you.
10. Take proper sleep as it manage your weight, besides that regular exercise is advised for perfect health.
11. So if you want that your life go on smoothly adopt a healthy lifestyle and add proper supplements in your daily diet.
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Our Skin, an informative article with lots of info

Skin is an indicator of your general health. Acne, wrinkles, dry or oily skin and inflammation are all signs of poor internal health, often brought on by consuming unhealthy foods and avoiding skin-healthy nutrients.
Real beauty is a reflection of real health, and real health begins deep inside each and every cell in your body. When you look good it makes you feel good and it draws your personality and your attitude also.
Nourishing and nurturing yourself correctly can bring immense and immeasurable rewards of confidence, vitality, energy, optimism and good health. Skin acts as a barrier between the outside world and the controlled environment within your body.
It protects your body from dirt, bacteria, foreign objects, ultraviolet rays and plays a vital role in regulating body temperature and body fluids and helps in the synthesis of vitamin-D. It has millions of nerve endings that help in sensing hot, cold, hard, sharp or dull sensations.
Know your Skin Type:-
All skins are not of the same types. Different people have different skin types. It is important to know your skin type, as it can help you maintain your skin health by taking the right measures to promote optimum skin care.Normally skins are of five types-
Normal skin
Oily skin
Dry skin
Combination skin and
Sensitive skin
Normal Skin
Normal skin is very balanced skin type. It is soft, smooth, and velvety and evenly textured skin with no flaky dead cells and no pores visible. Because of proper distribution of oil and moisture it becomes a balanced skin i.e. not extremely dry and not extremely oily. It is clear and free from blemishes. This is the best skin type. If you have such skin type than you are lucky because this kind of skin needs a little care in comparison with other skin type. This type of skin looks healthy, as there is a right balance between oil and moisture content. The normal skin appears smooth, clear and toned, without spots or blemishes and reflects good health.

Oily Skin
Oily skin looks thick, dull in color and glossy in outer shell. Skin becomes sticky due to over secretion of oil through oil gland that makes skin pores open, which attracts dirt and dust from the surroundings. Dirt and dust particles blocks the skin pores which are already broadly open in oily skin leads to problems like black head, white head, acne and other skin related problems. This type of skin appears greasy. That excessive oil on the skin leading to black heads, white heads, pimples and spots attracts dirt and dust.

Dry Skin
When skin is dull, patchy, spotty, and flaky especially around the eyes it is consider dry skin. Dry skin causes the sign of early aging. It produces many problems like fine lines on cheeks, under eyes and corner of mouth. Skin becomes dry when oil glands are not supplying good nourishment to the skin. If proper care is not given to the skin then it may lead to beginning of wrinkles in early age.

Combination Skin
When some area of skin is dry and some area is oily it is said combination skin. This type of skin appears dry at the cheeks and areas around the mouth and eyes and appears oily at the central panel (forehead, nose and chin). Thats why, it is known as combination skin.

Sensitive Skin
Sensitive skin reacts very soon on any kind of environment change or any kind allergies, which may be caused due to actions like bleaching, makeup’s and other external applications. Sensitive skin needs a lot of care in comparison with other skin type.
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Home Remedies for Back Pain

Heat is wonderful treatment for back pain. Boil some water and put it in a bottle. Put this bottle over pain-affected areas to get temporary relief.
2. Honey is well known in the medical world because of its health beneficial results. You can take a glass of water mix with honey every morning to get rid of backache.
3. Vitamin C is health beneficial as it provides great relief for severe back pains. You have to take about 2,000mg of vitamin C daily to treat the condition. You will see a huge difference in your condition even in 2-3 days.
4. Raw potato is one of the finest home remedies for back pain. Apply raw potato in the poultice form as it has been found effective in backache cure.
5. Massage plays amazing role in relieving back pain. You can use some herbal oils to massage as it helps in increasing the pressure slowly and also provides you great comfort in less time. It also helps to get rid of tension as well as relaxes muscles.
6. Garlic is the most important as well as wonderful home remedy for back pain. 2-3 garlic cloves should be eaten every morning as it provides you relief from back pain.
7. You can also massage your back with the garlic oil as it provides great relief to back.
8.You can also prepare garlic oil at home as you can take ten cloves of oil and put it in 60ml of oil. Put both in frying pan and heat it. For this purpose you take any of oil as you can either take mustard oil, sesame oil or coconut oil.

Aerobic Cardio Exercises: Small way to the Fitness

Aerobic exercises are the small and the best ways that truly increase the strength of heart and lungs. Though there are many people who aren't sure to sign up and get swinging to the beat. It is said that aerobics offers countless ways to build up cardiovascular resiliency, as well as a few extra benefits that will help you. Here are some benefits of Aerobic Exercise:
Benefits of Aerobics Cardio Exercises:
1. Aerobics exercises helps in shaping and toning mussels of your body in an easy and smooth way by which the muscles across the body become solid and toned.
2. This action helps the heart pumping without enlarging any one particular muscle group in the body. This allows you to develop your cardiovascular strength without having to worry about building too much muscle in one part of your body, as is the case with jogging and leg muscles.
3. Another benefit of aerobic exercise is that they can be done anywhere. This is one of the best appeals of aerobics. It is a very minimalist activity, requiring no more than a few square feet of space to maneuver in.
4. And one last thing: aerobics is one of the best ways to start the day or wind down at night. Sweating it up has a revitalizing effect, which both energizes and relaxes the exerciser. You feel joy while doing this and get the complete health.

Benefits of Yoga on Various Health Problems

1. If have frequent headaches Yoga can rid you of tension headaches and migraines because yoga circulates blood and oxygen to your head, which can often prevent headaches from starting.
2. A regular yoga practice helps boost antioxidants throughout your body, resulting in a stronger immune system and improved ability to heal quickly from disease or injury.
3. Yoga helps you lose weight and maintain a healthy weight throughout your life.
4. To burns calories, resulting in weight loss Power yoga is another vigorous form of yoga.
5. Numbers of women going through menopause report an easing of symptoms when they begin practicing yoga.MORE

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